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Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner New here…

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  • #4868
    Carl Chisholm

    Hey all.

    Firstly I’d just like to say thanks to everyone here for the wealth of information you’ve all put into this forum. As well as providing me countless hours of reading material, the advice, facts and opinions are all invaluable to someone like myself looking to find out as much as possible about this industry. In a tough time economically where everyone seems to be fighting over jobs, its refreshing to see how willing some people are to give advice and pointers to others, so again, thanks to all involved.

    You’ll be pleased to know, I’m not just here to kiss ass lol, I also have a question or two that I’m hoping someone could help me out with, and one or two matters where your advice would be greatly appreciated. I have read FAQs and searched the forums, so if I ask something thats already been answered I apologise as I must of somehow overlooked it.

    I’ll let you know a bit about my background first, so you know what you’re dealing with lol. Im 25 years old, and an approved electrician, mainly working commercial sites, some industrial experience, and plenty of testing and fault finding experience. Been at the same company now for 7 and a half years, and I’ve seen first hand the construction trade get gradually worse through that time. I figure, whilst im still young(ish), now is a good time to start looking at different possible career paths. A friend working for Technip was the first person to introduce me to the possibility of a ROV job, telling me that with my electrical background I would be a good candidate to get a trainee position.

    What I’ve gathered from reading previous peoples posts is that a maintenance electrician would be better suited than myself, as they have the experience of working on machines, robotics etc. as opposed to my experience of wiring etc. Is this right? Was wondering if there’s any sparkys on here who went that route, i.e. commercial electrician first? And how they adapted to the different type of work required on ROVs.

    I am also strongly considering doing an HNC/HND, and although I’ve read here that there is no preferrence when it comes between mechanical and electrical, I was wondering what would be more relevant between electrical engineering and electronics? As both are subjects I could look into doing an HNC/D in. Also my friend mentioned it might be to my benefeit doing a robotics course at college also. Now I know all of these things will look good on a CV to a prospective employer, but I was wondering which one (if any) they would look on more favourably.

    Lastly, is it worth my while firing off my CV to companies in the mean time before I do further qualifications, or will it end up straight in the bin? Im assuming most people applying for these jobs will have some sort of HNC/D or other higher education qualification. Or is that not the case?

    I’ll leave it there for now, no doubt I’ll be back with more queries, as I am just setting out on this road, and it is all still very new to me. Sorry this has been so long, and again I apologise if I’ve mentioned anything already covered in the forum. You all seem like helpful fellas though, so I’m sure you wont mind too much 😉 lol.



    You are most welcome. If you need any help please ask.


    Sent you a PM in February. You’re welcome to drop me a line anytime.

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