Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner New here…

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Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner New here…

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  • #4964
    Eoghainn Brown

    Hey everybody, Im about to start work as an rov pilot in may, just trying to gather as much info as possible about it…

    Ryan gay

    Who are you going to be working with mate

    Ray Shields

    What kind of info? What’s an rov? Where are the best bars to drink in? What does Auto Head mean?

    I would think you should have found out quite a bit about ROVs before getting a job, what is it you would like to know 😀

    Eoghainn Brown

    Ill be working for technip, I did find out a fair whack before my interview, but I just want some more in depth (haha) info on them, ie launching/recovery sytems, more info on umbilicals and control systems etc…

    Ryan gay

    I’ve just got a start with Bibby the thing I did was ask people already in the industry if I could borrow some of their Rov manuals to have a read through to get an idea of what I would be working on you could try that.

    Also when I went for the interview I asked them how the hydraulic/mechanical side of the Rov worked with me being electrical biased and their more happy to help you on that and shows your willing to learn.

    Good luck anyway.

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