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New lucky member

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner New lucky member

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    Carl Stones

    Hello forum , I thought I would just wait read and learn from the comments on here before I made my first post. I have been very lucky to apply and be successful in the roll of tech 2 trainee at Canyon Helix , any help and advice from you would be much appreciated as will be my first offshore position

    David Sherry

    well done mate :), and welcome to the forum. So did you make it to the interview stage? or have you been lucky enough to be offered the position?

    Carl Stones

    Hi Davie , I have been through the interview stage at the beginning of the month and received confirmation by email this afternoon that I have been offered a position , I know I’m extremely lucky going on what I have read on this forum as it is so difficult to get to the interview stage never mind a job offer, heads still spinning 😀

    James McLauchlan

    Well done Carlos :tup:


    Dude thats awesome congrats.


    Congrats!! 😆

    David Sherry

    great news bud. all the best in your new career.

    Carl Stones

    Well I now have a start date , 24th February in Aberdeen for training , finding it hard not ask all the questions going through my mind like what comes next what do I need to take , the list could go on and on ❓


    Ask away! It’ll save myself and all the others who have the same questions! 🙂

    James McLauchlan

    Well I now have a start date , 24th February in Aberdeen for training , finding it hard not ask all the questions going through my mind like what comes next what do I need to take , the list could go on and on ❓

    This is Rookie corner! You should be able to ask anything about the industry here no matter how trivial it may seem. If anyone takes the piss, I’ll be on their case 🙂

    The whole idea of this site is to help others find the information they need and give people a place to interact. Ask and ye shall receive!


    Ok so as a new trainee what can be expected? I’ll be offshore oil rigs and would love to know. As I’m sure wouldn’t fellow noobs.
    thanks in advance,


    Congrats on the job Carlos! I’m the same as you. Had interview at the start of the month then accepted the position last week. I’m in Aberdeen for a weeks training on the 24th also so I will see you then 😀


    Ok so as a new trainee what can be expected? I’ll be offshore oil rigs and would love to know. As I’m sure wouldn’t fellow noobs.
    thanks in advance,

    That question might be a little too open ended BlackDOG!

    Carl Stones

    Ok so here’s the 1st batch of questions , just jump in rookies if you can think of anything .
    What does the training week entail
    What happens next
    Many thanks

    James McLauchlan

    Ok so here’s the 1st batch of questions , just jump in rookies if you can think of anything .
    What does the training week entail
    What happens next
    Many thanks

    I guess it depends which company you are working for and what they interpret as ‘training’. You should get direct hands on experience on the systems they expect you to work on. Read up on the manuals, preventative maintenance, deck checks, fault finding etc. Flying will not happen in any real form until you get offshore.

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