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Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner New member hello

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    New to the forum however I have been lurking as a guest for some time. Thanks for having me!

    I begin a new career as an ROV Pilot Technician (trainee) in early 2014 after a little over 12 months of prayer, hope and sweat – and I’ve certainly found the information on this site interesting and informative throughout the journey. Hopefully i can contribute in more meaninful ways as I adapt to the job.

    Glad to see the site stayed open. And happy New Year.


    Ray Shields

    Welcome onboard and good luck with the new job.

    Maybe you can let other new Trainees know how you get on so they know what to expect.


    Thanks for the welcome!

    And yes definitily. I’ll do a blog or diary of what I experience in my first year etc. 🙂

    David Sherry

    Hi T1000,
    welcome to the forum. Well done for recieving a much sought after trainee position :). can i ask who you are starting with? & what was your previous experience?
    I like to compare the background of people who managed to land a trainee position to my own background just to g et an idea if people with similar experience to myself are being taken on.

    David Sherry

    disregard my last post, ive now spotted your post on another thread and seen you have a similar background to myself. I have a Btech in mechanical enineering and nvq lvl 3 in service & repair/ maintenance plus 14 years experience working on heavy vehicle mechanical, electrical, hydraulic & pneumatic systems. Im begining to wonder if being with the same company for so long is my downfall? im thinking that potential employers want tosee that i can sucessfully move to a new working environment and fit in there. Or maybe they just never got as far down the pile as my cv. :/


    My start is with SS7.

    Over the last 4 years ive worked with pneumatic products that are used in a maritime environment and managed to get some time working at sea which I think helped.

    I was actually concerned that this was too short a time – it was my longest posting with any company on my CV – and thought they would be concerned I was quick to change focus. I thought if they are investing in people, they want to see commitment to stay the course, and good return on their investment.

    Regarding meeting new people and new environments. This was definitely an area they explored as part of the recruitment process. They were keen to know my opinions RE: working with other languages, cultures, types of person, confrontation management etc. I guess this makes sense where you are working with a global company in a confined and isolated environment for extended periods of time!

    There were over 800 CV’s for 12 spots. So despite your CV ticking the right boxes I wouldn’t feel not being selected reflects on your application. That’s just odds. (I sent the same CV (-1yr) to them for a previous recruitment campaign and didn’t get noticed at all)

    I know they will be running more recruitment campaigns, they are bringing on more ships and the demand seems to be increasing. So its a case of continuing to apply and occasionally calling the office and getting your name bounced about.

    David Sherry

    Thanks for the advice. Hopefully ill get a look in my direction this year, until then ill just keep my CV circling the web :).

    Euan Wright

    Hi T1000,

    Which intake are you starting with SS7 – Feb or March? I’m starting on the 10th of Feb. Cannot bloody wait!


    S J Poole

    Can any of you guys weld ?




    Wrighty – March, gutted! I’ve got another 5 weeks in old job lol.

    SJP… I’ve never welded


    Hey dude id like to be kept in the loop i start February10th to but told my boss to sove off today, wive was not happybut shit happens.

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