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New to it all

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner New to it all

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  • #6398
    David Sherry

    Hi guys,
    ive been snooping about the site for a wee while and decided to sign up and say alright to you all. im currently an HGV Technician from Glasgow looking to make a career change and become an ROV tech. I know its going to be a long shot as the competition is high for the trainee jobs but im in a steady job at the moment so im in no rush to move right away.
    There are a lot of helpful threads and posts on the site and makes for some addictive reading, 2 hours passed in the space of 5 min since ive been reading the threads and cross referencing between google 😮

    James McLauchlan

    Hi guys,
    ive been snooping about the site for a wee while and decided to sign up and say alright to you all. im currently an HGV Technician from Glasgow looking to make a career change and become an ROV tech. I know its going to be a long shot as the competition is high for the trainee jobs but im in a steady job at the moment so im in no rush to move right away.
    There are a lot of helpful threads and posts on the site and makes for some addictive reading, 2 hours passed in the space of 5 min since ive been reading the threads and cross referencing between google 😮

    Hi Davie

    Welcome to the site. Glad you are doing a bit of reading, rather than just asking how to get into ROV.. we get a lot of the latter!

    Have a quick scan through the FAQ’s also.

    David Sherry

    cheers James. Ive had a wee look through most of it and got a lot of info, got to be an info gatherer to get yourself ahead of the game. Some people just think things will get handed to them on a plate.

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