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New to ROV

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner New to ROV

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  • #14433
    Donnie Cameron

    A class full of Glaswegian divers!! 😯

    Andy Shiers

    I suppose that’s alot worse than a class full of Cornish ones 😀


    Rant on/
    This really depresses me. I thought after the debacle at Wraycastle (how many years ago?) that the idea was that people running these courses had to ensure that the personnel on these courses met a minimum requirement, i.e some variety of technical experience mech / electrical BEFORE they were accepted on the course.

    I think the reason is that, this is currently an ROV Pilot Course (3 weeks) and the Electronics course is due 2 weeks from now for 4 weeks. They’re just giving us some sort of introduction on what we will be doing for the Electronics part. 🙂


    A class full of Glaswegian divers!! 😯

    lol.. they’re not locals.. most from other European countries.. some french, italian.. and obviously, im the only asian. Our instructor however is very good.. I mean, he enunciates his words perfectly and slowly so that everybody can understand clearly. I myself cant understand a thing with Scottish (Glasgow) accent. Inverness accent is pretty fine though.

    Andy Shiers

    ionicwings 😀
    No one can understand the Glaswegians


    ionicwings 😀
    No one can understand the Glaswegians

    Im relieved! I thought it was just me! 😆


    thats cos no one tries to understand us.

    FW was a good laugh, i did my course a year ago and reckoned my mechanical background would serve me well………. fcuk me I was wrong!! I cant count how many fone calls I’ve made or emails i’ve sent trying to get a start. Going no where.

    But im currently working for a company called GEO from Denmark as a rig operator/engineer doing CPT tests. So im at least half in a job.



    So what do you think, are FW taking the piss and ripping the guys off who aren’t sponsered via the companies? 😯 Any kind of post course backup / support in getting a job?



    no no, just saying you need to do your homework before you go on the course and dont assume that ur background is ideal. You have to work to get a job not just let ot come to you. I just resent my CV last week all updated and tomorrows the day where i do my fallow up phone call.

    Several of the guys that were on my course now have jobs. I ve only really kept in touch with two of them. They both work for Fugro now. One of the other guys took 6 months to get a start!! He was an ex army remmy

    Joe Nixon

    if you will all indulge me, i would like to add my opinion on this subject.

    when i started (which wasnt that long ago), it was a one week introduction course and they put you right in the field. 95% of this is on the job training. I know for fact, my company hasnt changed a thing about new hires. 1 week introduction, right to work. I didnt pay a dime for ANY course for ANY thing. ive been with my company for 11 months and have since racked up 144 flight hours, and untold repair hours on various types of subs in my company. when i first started, i couldnt tell you the first thing about ROV’s. now, i can just about walk you through a rebuild of most components over the phone (im a Mechanical tech)

    I think there is a huge difference in the way we do things here in the US than you do across the Atlantic. I’m trying to go overseas next year, so i guess ill see first hand. ive heard of guys who have went through ROV "courses" at colleges, and to be honest, i havent worked with one of them that impressed me. thats not to say that the guys were worthless, nor is it saying they were top notch.

    what im trying to say is this- i dont think a 10,000 dollar course is going to make you a better pilot, or a better tech. it will depend more on your work ethic, and your character as a person.



    what was your work background before mate>?? if you dont mind me asking


    Many moons ago when I first got into this game, I asked the very same question………………..should I do a course!!
    The reply simple – "Dont waste your money"………..I had 3 weeks in the base followed by 7 weeks on DSV………best course ever – the real thing!!

    More companies are investing into trainnees now but I personally think in house and be serious about it………….Not FW and 10K out of pocket.

    Now when I am asked the same question my reply is simple "Dont waste your money"
    Get out there and find out who are offering good in house courses – some are now not just taking on if you have good technical background but actually starting like a full ab-initio type course. You spend 2 years in workshop learning the basic engineering skills followed by the ROV training after that and hey presto you are offshore as a pilot tech. Whilst getting paid!!
    Only time you will be out of pocket is when you eventually get back onshore and head out for a small run ashore at the nearest watering hole off the gang plank!! 😆

    Joe Nixon


    what was your work background before mate>?? if you dont mind me asking

    I first started out as a catapult/hydraulic tech on aircraft carriers. after about a year after that, i joined the special warfare community.



    what was your work background before mate>?? if you dont mind me asking

    i joined the special warfare community.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah – you all say that.

    Joe Nixon

    ok, then hows this- i was a catapult/hydraulic tech, then i joined a flying circus and married a midget.

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