Im in the UK and have completed a 3 day BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training) plus an additional module for Norwegian waters not that long ago. I completed this in Falck Nutec Middlesbrough.
The course dealt with some safety through power point, use of survival suits, life aids, helicopter evacuation practicals. There was minimum fire fighting training by which i mean when and where to isolate or use an extinguisher and then fire escape methods using a smoke hood etc.
I wouldnt consider this a firefighting course in the sense you would be part of a firefighting team offshore, more of basic fire awareness training.
I did enjoy it, especially the helicopter escape although i think i was in the minority there!! I would jump at the chance to do more training like this.
Also now to work in UK waters there is a requirement to do MIST (Minimum Industry Safety Training).
I hope you find something useful here 🙂