Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Newbie away to book course as UWC FW, come chat

Newbie away to book course as UWC FW, come chat

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Newbie away to book course as UWC FW, come chat

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  • #20205

    I’m Nav!!..
    ChObs probably looking at around 55kGBP plus Pension and healthcare..
    we are 2D so the others are offering more…
    Its not a huge firm so I’m sure the big hitters will beat it..
    I’ve only done a yr haha hopefully not hangin around if the ROV thing takes off!! need to finish HNC,
    Whats the crack with all this maths?? AARRRGGHH !!!

    James McLauchlan

    if you guys are going to bully the new guy because they are not as high and mighty as you then you need to chill out, when the tide is going one way and you want to go the other you need to be defensive, the boards are biased and thats the way it is

    Nobody is bullying new guys and the boards are not bias. Nor are people being high and mighty here either.

    In this thread there is a lot of common sense and useful advice being given, yet despite this you still reflect a hard nosed ‘chip on your shoulder’ confrontational approach which, as intimated in another post, is not is needed offshore.
    If you won’t listen to advice now you most probably will not listen to advice when you are offshore either, a trait also not required in a small team environment.


    Here Here,

    Also isn’t "Ding if Nuts" an anagram for Finding stu
    Hey Stu…..


    Very good Beagle, clever 😆 😆


    Beagle, thanks for the info.

    I don’t know if you realise but with your nav experience you should be able to land a survey job with one of the ROV construction outfits like SS7 or Acergy. Then it would be a matter of hanging around the ROV workshop and control van whenever you have a bit of free time (God know survey has plenty of that) picking up whatever info you could and making contacts, before asking for an internal transfer to ROV.


    Thanks Sedco,
    Another avenue to explore, I’m going to wait till after March as I’m getting my Advanced Nav course off the company also next trip I will be S/L dayshift.
    so more to bang on the CV
    PM me if your wanting a change! our lot are screamin for decent ChObs S/L Obs..
    they also put me through my onboard QC/Seismic processing stuff too so more strings to the old bow!!

    if you have any details of who to send my details to in the afore mentioned firms drop them in pm… there isn’t much on the websites at the mo..
    Again thanks for all your help…

    oh, before I forget Stu, as you can see its not a big conspiracy, they ain’t all ganging up on you, sort your act out and milk these guys for everything they know…. you’ll be thanking them one day!!
    maybe even making their tea!!!


    Hows Cheerie Berries?
    Is that den of eniquity still standing, and is the "odd job’esque" bouncer still on the doors trying his best to pimp his chicks on you…
    Last time I saw him he had some very professional cards printed with a 24hr hotline??
    Now why would anyone need that….. 😕

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)
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