Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Noob looking forward to take up ROV course

Noob looking forward to take up ROV course

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Noob looking forward to take up ROV course

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    Hi guys,

    I’m new around here. I was searching around the forum about ROV training courses, but couldn’t get what I’m finding. I am thinking of taking up ROV, but torn between two training location – IDESS in the Philippines and UTCSA in Australia. IDESS seems to be the more cheaper *cough* and reasonable option but UTCSA has an additional ADAS certification. I was hoping some senior forumers could help me out here.

    By the way, I’m from Malaysia. I have a degree in E&E, which I spent almost 2 yrs working in a semiconductor manufacturing facility as an engineer and another 2 yrs as an exec in a shipping company whose clients include many from the O&G industry. The recent job include handling vessel and immigration clearance for offshore projects. I mingle with a lot of offshore personnel to know generally enough about what’s going on in the industry. The exposure is what led me to ROV.

    Scott Beveridge

    Make sure your CV looks professional without the bull_hit (a truthful CV!!!) and put it into the companies in S’pore. Then call weekly to each one. If you know someone in the ROV industry – ask. I do not support ROV training schools, however, if you have to go to one, I would say Aust. would be the best bet. They require you to have a bona fide skill prior to enrollment.


    Well dont be fooled by the small print ADAS now thats a lot of—–.

    ADAS does not have any say what so ever about rov skill levals.

    ADAS is


    Diving Certs are ADAS fair enough.

    And rov’s used in AUS still uses imca guidelines just like it says in the course any company which is recognised and pays fees to imca can train to pilot tech 2 straight away easy to make training school.

    by the way the course in AUS is 6250 GBP can do the same course in portland uk for less than 4000GBP i under stand flights to aus is cheaper than uk but could go first class and still be cheaper OPTION IN UK.

    Airasia to the uk from kl is cheap go to global marine if you want to do the course.

    FORGET Subic and Aus.

    one more link


    Scott Beveridge

    Either way (or school), try NOT to go to the ROV schools…. Yes, they are expensive…. Like I said, have a walk around Loyang OFSB, in
    other words, do the footwork first. Your best bet would be Fugro SIN first stop.


    Hi guys,

    Thanks for the sound advice. I guess having that ADAS certification won’t really do anything much for the CV. The option of doing the training in Portland seems pretty legit, and slightly affordable than doing it in Aus.

    I am aware that since some companies nowadays conduct in-house training, just what is the relevance of having ROV schools? I’m sure there’s a fair share of pilots graduating from these schools who managed to land a job; yet there are also those who don’t necessarily have to attend ROV schools to get into the industry.

    I am looking forward to do this but I must admit that it is disheartening to hear talks with the current job market that it is even harder to find a job; let alone to even find trainee positions. 😯


    In Malaysia they try to employ as many Malaysians as possible so advantage there and also how ever worthless the cert is in malaysia its needed more than anywhere else these days so advantage.

    the most important thing you need to learn after you do a course is contacts and they change from time to time and also new companies start up all the time.

    In Malaysia they check to see if crews have certs the ones with get on the jobs first in most cases.

    Speak with this company and pay the ops manager a visit.



    In Malaysia they try to employ as many Malaysians as possible so advantage there and also how ever worthless the cert is in malaysia its needed more than anywhere else these days so advantage.

    the most important thing you need to learn after you do a course is contacts and they change from time to time and also new companies start up all the time.

    In Malaysia they check to see if crews have certs the ones with get on the jobs first in most cases.

    Speak with this company and pay the ops manager a visit.


    are you sure bout this?? seems like only a dream for me to read this.. all they want is only the experience guys.. trainee?? always no room for them.. bla bla bla…. 😳 😥
    until you found someone inside the door to take you in.. always need a very strong ‘cable’… hhhmmm…


    until you found someone inside the door to take you in.. always need a very strong ‘cable’… hhhmmm…

    Isn’t it the same everywhere? In the real world it’s not always the case of WHAT you know but WHO you know (will help to achieve your ambition) 😉


    ‘cable’ means someone that very strong and well known inside the company… 😀

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