Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Medicals Norwegian medical help please

Norwegian medical help please

Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Medicals Norwegian medical help please

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    I have been getting some prices for UK and UK/Norwegian combined medicals certs.

    I got the details from the oil and gas website.

    One company said for a combined they want £110 for UK and £110 for Norwegian. When i asked why they said its cause they have to carry out blood tests and a chest xray.

    Reading this forum the chest xray and blood test relates to the seafarers Norweigan medical?

    Do the ROV guys get a normal Norweigan one?


    Norwegian medicals there is atleast two different types i just get the maritime one these days depends on your needs really.

    costs well depends on location really.

    Pierre COLIN

    Hi mate

    I had my Norwegian cert during my UKOOA examination.Just ask to the doctor.There is extra fees for it.Not so expensive.Can’t remember exactly really but approx 30£.The practitionner just fill a form in Norwegian,you have to sign it and that’s it.
    Hop it will helps

    Paul Bond

    Had my UKOOA and Norwegian medical back in February – cost £120 for the two combined.

    James McLauchlan

    For usual offshore Oil & Gas operations a normal OGUK medical with an additioonal Norwegian cert is acceptible.

    OGUK mecial is about GBP100.00-GBP110.00
    Norwegian cert is an additional GBP10-20 dependiong on where you go.

    An OGUK Offshore Medical consists of the following:

    Completion of Patient Questionnaire

    Urinalysis – routine urine test with immediate result
    BMI – measurement of height, weight and calculation of Body Mass Index
    Near Distance and Colour Vision
    Pulse and Blood Pressure Measurement
    Lung Function Test (peak flow)
    Audiogram (hearing test)
    Consultation with a doctor

    No chest Xray or blood tests is required.

    Some alernative enrgy and cable jobs might call for a Maritime medical. That is another matter.

    Ray Shields

    I have been getting some prices for UK and UK/Norwegian combined medicals certs.

    I got the details from the oil and gas website.

    One company said for a combined they want £110 for UK and £110 for Norwegian. When i asked why they said its cause they have to carry out blood tests and a chest xray.

    Reading this forum the chest xray and blood test relates to the seafarers Norweigan medical?

    Do the ROV guys get a normal Norweigan one?

    The blood test and chest x ray is not required for us, only if you are part of the ships crew, £110 for the combined is around the normal price as stated.

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