Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Medicals Norwegian Medical Requirements

Norwegian Medical Requirements

Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Medicals Norwegian Medical Requirements

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    Gina McLauchlan

    This is one carried over from the old forum

    I am hoping someone here can clear up a bit of confusion I have regarding the medical requirements for ROV crew in the Norwegian sector.

    I am trying to get the medical done, but there appears to be 2 types of certificates:

    1. Norwegian Maritime Directorate (Ships Medical).

    2. Petroleum Activity Medical.

    Will one or the other suffice, or do you need a specific medical for ROV.

    Thanks in advance.

    Gina McLauchlan

    I think I have it sorted!

    I found this on the web, and e-mailed it to the Doctor. 2 hours later he had printed it off and signed it. Now I have two medicals for the price of one – Norwegian Maritime, and Petroleum Activity!


    May need the Maritime medical the way ROV work is looking at the moment – very quiet in Asia/Australia for the next 2 months 😥

    Benny Edelman

    At some clinics (e.g. Abermed) it is possible to get both UKOOA and NPD medical certificates while taking your medical. It costs £10 extra.
    I found that the medical certificate linked on the last post is the one required for offshore work. I am not sure if al UKOOA doctors are recognised by NPD.
    Don’t forget that the survival certificate is different too, you need an OLF certificate which means longer courses (initial and renewal) which cover both OPITO and OLF in ordre to work in Norway.

    James McLauchlan

    JULY 2000

    It was agreed in principle at the 19th International Joint Meeting of NOGEPA, OLF and UKOOA Medical Advisors held in June 1999 that NOGEPA, OLF and UKOOA would recognise each other’s medical certification.
    The certificate must be valid in the country of issue and also within the time period of the accepting country. The occupation of the certificate holder must also be valid.
    This is to be known as the “Hardanger Agreement” as decided upon at the joint meeting in the district of Hardanger, Norway in 1999. This agreement is noted in the minutes of meeting dated 4th June 1999 and distributed at the Joint Meeting in Amsterdam 9th July

    Signed and agreed by:

    J C A Mathey
    Secretary General – NOGEPA

    F Aamodt
    Director General – OLF

    J May
    Director General – UKOOA

    Link to above document:

    James McLauchlan

    Further to the above….

    For some time now it has been common practice to pay £10.00 (or thereabouts) for the additional Norwegian medical cert to be issued at the time of your UK medical.

    Recently I was advised that that practice was no longer required as, it seems, that since very recently (maybe the start of 2008) a valid UK medical is all that is required to operate in any of the agreed sectors mentioned in the post above.

    I am reasonably sure of my information but as yet cannot find a link on the net to corroborate this 100%

    However I did find this:

    Medical centre in Hamburg, Germany on UKOOA medicals they issue.
    Arbeitsmedizinische Praxis
    Dr. Rogall
    Schloßgarten 1
    D-22041 Hamburg
    Tel +49 (40) 682 686 06
    Fax +49 (40) 682 686 07



    On UKOOA certificate:

    Our Offshore Medical Certificate is recognized by Norwegian (OLF) and Dutch Authorities (Nogepa) and is valid 2 years for all ages.

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