Home Forums General Financial, Tax and Insurance norwegian tax

norwegian tax

Home Forums General Financial, Tax and Insurance norwegian tax

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  • #6751

    A quick question.
    If a subsea vessel sails from the UK to a port in Norway without going to the oil field during a trip.Is the UK resident still liable for Norwegian tax?
    I thought it was only when you were concerned with the oil business you were liable? or is it any vessel sailing in Norwegian waters?


    Ray Shields

    As far as I am aware you are in transit and not working and therefore not liable for the tax.

    But different companies and different tax advisors say different things!


    Aye cheers Ray,

    That was my understanding but my company seems to think otherwise!

    Roy Simson

    The company is just covering them self because they will be liable if they don’t tax you and they will have to pay it .

    But you should get some of it back , Its a bit like emergency tax they will over tax you and what ever is left is yours .



    Cheers raptor,

    Not sure when i am sitting alongside for over a week I should pay noggy tax but I guess its company *rse covering as usual ha

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