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Oceaneering India Cheating .. No Priority for talent there .

Home Forums ROV ROV Employment Discussion Oceaneering India Cheating .. No Priority for talent there .

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    Oceaneering Cheated me .. Mine 25,000 rs has been wasted and my starting career has been affected greatly by this company’s management ..
    I am just writing this to you because i m feeling discriminated by this management . I was one of the student of University of petroleum and energy studies,Rajahamundry,AP.I was selected there after giving written test and interview.I got the letter stating that you have to submit the bank guarantee(i knew that think earlier very clearly thats why went to mumbai for giving interview),medical,stcw and HUET certificates. I did all these courses and my 25,000 rs were spended on doing these couses and living there.Mine 5,000 rs were spended in preparing bank guarantee papers as i take the loan of 10 lakh for submitting bank guarantee.I have all the bills with me.I told these all things to management of oceaneering but still i am not getting any response they just telling me to wait.

    They not giving priority to Talent.. just give money as bank guarantee and got the job .. which is also a greta risky because that bond is totally one sided .

    . Earlier I told them I am waiting for this from past 2 – 3 months. I have lost 2 companies during my placement period in Apr – May.If they did’t want to take me why they select me.I have lost 2 MNCs because one who seleted in one is not allowed to sit in others. I have spended more than Rs 30,000 on doing courses, preparing medical, and on taking loan from bank for preparing bank guarantee. Still of knowing all these things they are selecting others over me and telling me to wait. I am feeling it very discriminated. How can the management of such a good company could be so harsh for the someone and hamper his career without any reason. This thing is not fair.They just telling me for rejection beacuse of other students of UPES who were making unnecessary queries.I don’t know those guys and I don’t know what they are telling what they are saying to others.how should i know these guys .

    I got very frusted by this company ..

    Scott Beveridge

    Might I ask what your expected pay is??? In $US please….


    500 us $ per month after 4-r month training …


    I scored more than 70 % marks in written test there .. My interview was also fine it was good .. I have no problem of jobs .. I have masters degree in Natural gas Eng I have 3.05 CGPA out of 4. .. And i am working in another good compony now ….but i missed some top most componies because of the management of oceaneering India …. in oceaneering there i found no priority for talent … beacuse one person there who scored only 9 marks out of 35 in written test was selected ..

    My Bnk Guarantee was ready , I prepared my medical certifiacte .. spended my money on that … spended my time because of this .. too much mental harresment .. too much tension they have given to me ..

    I want every one’s view on this …..

    James McLauchlan

    I got very frustrated by this company ..

    Im not suprised!! 😯

    I want every one’s view on this …..

    Firstly thanks for highlighting this development. Hopefully it will save other some grief later down the line.
    This bank guarantee thing was mentioned before, similar warnings were given at the time, and for very good reason!

    My view is exactly as as stated, before in this forum, on this very subject.

    Never pay an employer, or produce a bank guarantee, to enable you to work for them.

    Look at it this way… You have invested so much money in this and what have they (Oceaneering India management) invested in you so far? Nothing!
    It’s a win win situation for them from the outset as, once that guarantee is in place, they have you exactly where they want you.
    You can see that as plain as day right now because they are jerking you around and there is nothing you can do about it!

    You can be pretty sure that they will do the same again, over and over, as long as people are gullible enough to put this guarantee in place.
    As far as I am aware this does not happen anywhere else in the world!

    The pay is also crap by the way! Oceaneering India are taking you guys to the cleaners.

    I don’t think I can make it clearer than that.

    Scott Beveridge

    Then if you are really the genius you say you are, why work for $us 500/month when it should be $us 700/day??????????? Cheap-slave-type labor… see what
    i mean folks?


    For Freshers 500 us $ is good in india .. i m getting same amount in another compony under trainee… I did’t say i m genious .. but on comparision of others who were selected for ROV pilot tech i think i was quite good .. No body in this world is genious and perfect ….



    code]I got very frustrated by this company

    i missed two good componies during campus placement .. This thing will better understoodble by those people who r in final year of their Degree and studying hard ,trying damn hard for getting their project complete .. all for getting placement in good companies ..

    Scott Beveridge

    Dude….. US$ 500.00 per month is a far cry from US $ 700.00 per day for a PT2 or 1 or whatever the farq it’s called. You did understand this, yes???? So, here’s the next question: What is actually your incentive to work in the ROV industry??? You do realise that you’ll only be making tea, mopping up, and polishing nuts…. don’t you?



    You made this topic after everything was done…!!!

    I told you not to proceed with Oceaneering(Not to deposit trucks of money), but you did that…

    I totally agree with James n Scot, never pay money to employer to give you job.

    If you are ready to work for $500 USD/MONTH, dude dont come into ROV Field.

    Oceaneering pays crap only because they are getting "CHEAP SLAVE TYPE LABOR"…especially in India.

    And If you are ready to work for $500 USD/MONTH, better to work in Call Centre(BPO) or any other small engineering company.

    You need not to go offshore, stay away from family for such a long time for $18 or $25 USD/DAY rate.

    James McLauchlan

    Thread Locked

    I’m locking this thread. All further discussion on this should take place in a thread started earlier on the very same subject : HERE!

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