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Oceaneering Kit

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  • #748

    With all the slagging OI has been getting rates etc. thought I would just through a positive note on the gear I am working with currently in Angola.

    Mill Plus (Sub Atlantic thrusters)with the new cyberchair (touch screen pilots monitor) not a hiccup and apears to be much more friendly than the cyberchair Saipem America was dialing in with thier new Innovator 250 I worked on few months back.

    Being an agencey guy I wont go into much of the interfacing but from the pilots position it all seems to be right there and well thought of.

    System is currently interfacing the new MIMIC simulator to the console.

    Nice kit and enjoyed my hitch….8 days to go.


    cheers for the comments, this sounds like you were on mil34, this is a great system and should be the bench mark for all OI system’s.

    Glad to finally see a positive about OI from someone outside the company.

    cheers and you are welcome back on mil34 anytime.


    😯 Oi having something good said about them….

    Ssh everyone will want to be on it.

    see you next time SA 😉 nice to meet you.

    Zeb how’s ya mini…… "smokin?"
    hope you enjoy the S.E

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