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Oceaneering ROV trainee

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Oceaneering ROV trainee

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    Glenn baird

    Hello I have a online interview as a ROV trainee and was looking to know any info that could help prepare me for the interview! I was looking to know where does Oceaneering conduct there training and how long for? I applied through a Dubai recruiter.
    Any info regarding help for my interview would be greatly appreciated!

    damian archbold

    Hi bairdy,
    Is it the online test that you are doing, it won’t be an online interview, if you make it past the online test(aptitude) then you will be asked to interview which could have some sort of knowledge test either electronic, hydraulic or electrical as well as the normal interview jargon. I am awaiting my online test with oceaneering myself.

    Glenn baird

    Hi no I’ve already passed the online test and I assume because they are recruiting out of Dubai is why the interview will be conducted over Skype!


    Hi mate, im awaiting the online test as well so can’t help you with the skype other than by saying make sure you have a good internet signal and be confident. Also have a copy of your cv to hand incase they ask you questions about it. How did you find the online test?

    jon sweetman

    Hi Buddy. Hope the online test went well for you.? I’ve been trying to get a start and have applied to many companies in Saudi and Dudai. Was wondering which recruiter you used?
    Thanks Jon


    Hey guys how did you go with the online test. I just received the same email myself last night. and going to complete it today when the house quietens down a bit.

    Nathan Rusden

    Hi guys anyone tell me how long they waited for results etc from Oceaneering after doing their online test??



    I waited about two weeks…decided to call them and was asked to come down for an interview. Got the job.

    Nathan Rusden

    Was that through the Dubai office?


    Nope, through the Morgan City office.


    Hi Guys,

    I completed the online test and was successful, I got a reply within a week saying they will be in touch to confirm interview dates which they are hoping to conduct by mid June. just wondering if anybody has had an interview with Oceaneering recently? will it be technical or do they cover the technical side of things with the test? any info / tips would be much appreciated. This was all through the Dubai office


    Perry Gurtin

    Hi Guys,

    Not that my opinion means much, but please remember that all interviews are conducted differently. Who ever conducts the interview will question your experience and may get you to elaborate on answers you gave during the testing phase or ares that you show weakness in so it is always a good strategy to brush up on ares you are weak in but remember that if you say you have an electrical background and can’t turn a multimeter on or have any idea of basic laws of electricity then expect to be asked a lot of questions. The same can be said for guys claiming to have an extensive mechanical back ground when all they have done was work as a back yard mechanic for a few years. Yes I am sure that this response will get a resounding batch of opinions as to the fact that they know someone who has no experience in any thing and still got the job but remember that the reality is lots of people want to get in but you need to stand out for all the right reasons and not be remembered for not being prepaired for the interview. This may sound like dumb advice but offshore we see it all the time as for some reason a person’s pride gets in the way of asking questions when they are not sure and then proceeding blindly into a potential accident.





    Did anyone of you guys that applied for a trainee position had any response and was accepted in the training program yet? How did it go with the interviews, ect.?

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