I have a face to face interview with oceaneering personnel on monday. They mentioned there being a basic skill test has anyone taken it and what type of questions are asked. Any info would be appreciated.
Where are you located, the test isn’t the same for different regions. But if you know electronics and hydraulics with a little DOS for computers you should be fine. It really is not a hard test.
I know hydraulics I just such at tests. Plus I suck at remebering all the freaking equations for hydraulics and electronics. 😯 Plus now there telling me that if I do get hired on next week I wont actually start working till aug 20 that sucks I hate just sitting around.
If your hiring on as an ROV trainee then thats the earliest they have an open spot for you in the training center for the school. The test will be hard no matter what. Its just designed that way. They just want to know how much you do or dont know so they will know if its worth their time and money to send you through the school in the first place…if you have a strong foundation of technical (mech/elec) knowledge to start building onto. Good luck!
I have a total of four years experience with NOV as a field service tech. I feel comfortable enough to say I can be put in front of a piece of equipment with the hydraulic and electrical drawings and say that I can find the reason somthing is not operating properly. My concern is that I really do suck at tests. You start asking me to quote equations and defenitions of words then I am fucked. Like I know the deference between amps, volts, ohms and how to use a fluke meter to take readings. As well as the deference between having something in series or parallel.
It sounds like your going to do fine on the test. I have worked with guys and gals over the past 15 yrs. that have taken the test, been through the school, and been offshore for years and still didnt know half as much as you just said you do. I was working with a tech last year that was fresh out of the school and I asked them to hand me a cresent wrench and they asked me which one was that 8O, and they also couldnt read a fluke meter!
I don’t think the test has changed in the past couple of years, so if it is the same then it will have some basic ohms law math problems and some other electronics equations. Nothing to in depth though. There are several questions about DOS operating systems. If I remember the test is multiple choice and there was not a hands on component when I took it 3 years ago. Good luck with it.