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Offer of employment

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Offer of employment

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    Daniel Woodhall

    Morning All,

    Today I have received an offer of employment from FUGRO UAE. 😀

    I really want accept the offer as becoming a ROV pilot has been my goal for quite some time now.

    I live in north Wales, and this is where my family home is. Has anyone worked in UAE with fugro before? if so how often did you get home?

    Also would I be subject to uk tax?

    Thanks for any advice anyone could offer


    Ray Shields

    Well done in getting the job, I would get a years experience on your CV and then get a job closer to home 🙂

    Check who your employer would be (i.e. the name on the contract) just in case you are working for Fugro UAE but being employed through another company – this is what will determine where you pay tax. If it is working for Fugro UAE then (im no expert) I dont think you will be paying UK tax (but you may have to pay their tax).

    Also note that you wouldn’t be getting any National Insurance paid for in the Uk either.

    Do some research online about the company before the interview so that you can make up a list of questions such as these to ask them. Are you paid door to door (i.e. paid for travelling), how often do you get back home, that they pay the flights, what is the accommodation you will be staying in onshore, do you get an allowance while there for food etc.

    I’m sure some others on here who work out there will be able to advise better.

    PS check the exact name of the company, I think the Fugro based in UAE is called Fugro Middle East (FME). There are a lot of companies in the Fugro group

    Daniel Woodhall

    Thanks Ray,

    The employer is FUGRO Survey (Middle East) Ltd.

    Has anyone on here worked as a trainee for the before and could possibly answer a few questions?

    I have emailed HR but haven’t had a reply yet. Will chase it up with a phone call today.

    Just out of interest what is the average timeline to progress up the ranks within a ROV pilot job?



    Paul Bond

    Firstly, well done on getting a start – good to hear.
    I worked out there freelancing a few years back and if i remember rightly, the employed guys were expected to do quite a few days per annum as part of their contract – not a bad thing when starting as you should gain valuable experience.
    As for tax, i thought the basic rules were that you are expected to declare any income coming into the UK, (as you are a resident), but i would guess that you will be doing enough days out of the country to qualify for SED, (Seamans Earning Deduction), and should be able to claim it back or not have to pay it at all at the end of the tax year.
    Maybe a quick call to a company such as Seatax or SK tax, (marine tax consultants), would be beneficial.
    Good luck


    hi there
    did you accept the offer then?


    Dear Woody,
    congrats for securing the job!
    can you tell me please what qualifications/experience you had so far?

    Daniel Woodhall

    I did accept the job and fly out next week.

    My experience is all electrical, I have served 15 years as a military electrical technician.



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