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  • #5216
    Paul Mitchell

    Hi guys, I’m new to this forum but in need of advice….anyone have feedback regarding length of rotations?


    Hey Drum, good thinking — get ahead of the curve! Since it’s your first job offshore better let them know you can’t do six weeks. Otherwise you might get stuck somewhere right off the bat for a long hitch and unless you have made it clear they are likely to keep piling it on once they know you’ll fall for it. You should also tell the guys in the office if you need any special dietary considerations or if you’ll tolerate sharing sleeping quarters with guys that snore or otherwise make themselves difficult to bunk with. If they don’t have that info you might very well end up with some real jerks in your cabin! You have to make it clear also if you are not the kind of guy who goes and gets tea for other people or sure as heck since you’re the new guy they’ll try to sucker you into that and FOR SURE let ’em know if you are the electrical type because if they have to guess then you may end up dealing with oily parts and crummy rusty things. Man there are sure a lot of guys that have been in the business a while that wish they had been as smart as you are BEFORE they got themselves into an uncomfortable situation. Keep on top of it all and you’ll have a long career of short happy healthy stress free and dirty fingernail free trips.

    Anybody else have some tips that a first time hand should make clear with the office before he says yes to that initial deployment?


    Who have you been given a JOB with then you might get an answer with what really happens at that company in turn about length of trips HR will tell you all sorts of things which dont happen in real.


    Best tip of all,

    If you can’t deal with 6 weeks putting up with all the snags Turtle so kindly pointed out for you, if you can’t handle 6 on 6 off long term stay on the beach and find another career. If you can’t read between the lines of the Turtle’s comments DEFFO stay on the beach 💡 😛 😯 😀 😀

    Just a though but is this a wind up?

    Be good,


    Hey Drum, good thinking — get ahead of the curve! Since it’s your first job offshore better let them know you can’t do six weeks. Otherwise you might get stuck somewhere right off the bat for a long hitch and unless you have made it clear they are likely to keep piling it on once they know you’ll fall for it. You should also tell the guys in the office if you need any special dietary considerations or if you’ll tolerate sharing sleeping quarters with guys that snore or otherwise make themselves difficult to bunk with. If they don’t have that info you might very well end up with some real jerks in your cabin! You have to make it clear also if you are not the kind of guy who goes and gets tea for other people or sure as heck since you’re the new guy they’ll try to sucker you into that and FOR SURE let ’em know if you are the electrical type because if they have to guess then you may end up dealing with oily parts and crummy rusty things. Man there are sure a lot of guys that have been in the business a while that wish they had been as smart as you are BEFORE they got themselves into an uncomfortable situation. Keep on top of it all and you’ll have a long career of short happy healthy stress free and dirty fingernail free trips.

    Anybody else have some tips that a first time hand should make clear with the office before he says yes to that initial deployment?

    Ahahahaahahahahahahahah ad infinitum 😆 😆 😆 😆 Excellent!

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