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Offshoremarine.org Open-letter/ Obumer

Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions Offshoremarine.org Open-letter/ Obumer

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  • #4101

    There seems to be considerable impact from Obama’s actions on the global oil industry. (Excluding Australia who live in their own fantasy world)

    I quite like this link and I am also in favour of arresting the US President to stop ruining all he and his accomplaces touch.

    How can Americans discharge their government? What a mess.

    If you agree, hope you shall use every means possible to publicise this … facebook, LinkedIn … print it on your sea-bag, underwear etc.



    I like the comment in the letter.

    "Most Americans can’t afford to pay $4 for a gallon of gasoline or see their home heating bills skyrocket".

    When the price in the UK is well over double that.


    It is not a case of who pays more for what. It is all relative to what the norm is in your country.

    The problem is the knee jerk reaction to the disaster which will lead to further increases to the international oil price in the longterm.

    Thankfully it is nearly 2012 and the world is due to end otherwise I would be starting to get concerned about the future πŸ™‚

    James McLauchlan

    Thankfully it is nearly 2012 and the world is due to end otherwise I would be starting to get concerned about the future πŸ™‚


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