I have just did my OGUK/UKOOA medical in Singapore last week with Dr Kevin U-Jyn Chan at Flinders. He is located at Novena Medical Center. He also did my Panama and Norwegian OLF Medical at the same time. He issued me a photo certificate and also a personal identification card – nice!
I have put his contact below for those of you guys who require UKOOa/OGUK Medicals etc, hope it helps. I think he also does Petronas and Shell Medicals as some other guys were filling in the Petronas and Shell Forms and they were working in Malaysia and Brunei. His contact is as below:
Dr Kevin U-Jyn Chan (drchan@flindersema.com)
Flinders EMA Clinic and Surgery
Novena Medical Center
10, Sinaran Drive #09-01,
Tel:(65) 6854 3720
Emergency Hotline:(65) 90694307
Hope this helps