Home › Forums › ROVbay! › ROVbay! – Items for sale › Old Scorpio umbilical
Approx’ 700 feet of old Scorpio umbilical for sale. 14 main conductors 4 coax 1 screened quad 34 mm diameter At the moment on an air winch ( that dosen’t work ) which is on a small skid , including little cabin. Ideal for all you ROV inventors
you trying to get yer new year bonus???
yeah, where is the pickup? I would like about 70 feet of that stuff. what are you looking for it?
Where is the umbilical located and what price, Please email me murray@oilequipment.com.au
I shall onpass your your email address to the seller ( for a small commsion basis of course ) and they will get in contact with you Muzza
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