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    Hi guys

    Have been speaking to a mate of mine about the ROV industry for a new career path, and was wondering how likely it was to definitely get your 180 days in, once you finish the trainee course. It’s just that he was due to go offshore last week, but due to the work requirements of his ship, he did not need to go out for another 2 weeks.
    Now on one hand thats great, an extra 2 weeks at home with the kids etc. but when there’s a mortgage to pay it becomes a bit more of a concern. I was simply wondering how often that sort of situation arose and if you would be able to volunteer for more work to get past this? I know that sometimes thats just the way it is, but if it is only now and again then its not really a problem!
    Reason I ask is that I have been taken on by one of the big companies in Aberdeen with a start early next year, and was just trying to get everything in place for then!

    Any good gen is always appreciated!! 😀

    Thanks in advance



    Its the sort of event that happens to all of us when we were at the bottom of the food chain. Trainees, certain agency and unknowns are normally the first to be downmanned or the last to arrive. The onshore project teams feel more confident that at the time when work needs to be carried out with a minimum crew its always best to have experienced crew to do it. This is no personal reflection but more an economic decision. With more experience, knowledge and proven ability this will change and you will be expected to have far less time at home, called to work with bugger all notice and longer trips away. Onshore will 9 times out of 10 prefer experienced crew to remain onboard if the replacement is either trainee, agency or unknowns. It’s the nature of this industry, the situation is amplified greatly in this current climate.
    We have all been there, its tough at first but perseverance and determination will get you through it. Gone are the days when ROVing was seasonal in the North Sea so if you have enough funds and enough confidence in your ability take a gamble.

    PS its much more than just 180 days for tax refunds – read the Inland Revenue web site and don’t think you can cheat them and get away with. If you get it wrong they will want all of it back, and interest and a fine of up to 100% of the refund.
    Over twice the refund to pay back – so be careful.

    Best of luck on your decision making.

    Ray Shields

    You are not very likely. Main reason is because there are only so many places trainees can go when they start.

    If you have a 6 man team, you will probably find 1 trainee, you certainly normally wont find 3 or 4 (even if sometimes if feels like it by some of the Supervisors!) With more and more trainees being taken on, suitable places for them offshore get limited.

    As SGB also said, you are an unknown and it will take some time for you to find their feet and others get confidence in your abilities (or lack of them!)

    From previous experience of trainees that have started in our lot, they usually have to take a big pay cut to start in ROVs. You do need some kind of savings to rely on at least for the first 6 months/year. If you calculate what you will make for 100 days offshore, can you afford to do that for the first year? If not, you may struggle. Then, if you do more than 100, they at least you’re OK.

    Realistically I would say 100-140 days a year is more likely. Its difficult to say as it depends on the person, the work, the company etc etc.


    Are you concerned about the 180 days for tax purposes or is it because that was your friends contract and he has worked out his annual salary based on the 180 days.

    What has been writtien is correct the more experience you get the quicker the office are to use you.

    Vessel work is always hit and miss though. Programmes change all the time crew changes move three or four days each way all the time.

    Achieving the days is not a problem in all honesty. There are a lot of trainees out there but at the same time there are not enough people and in an industry which is rapidly growing at the moment there are no shortage of jobs.

    Pay is an Issue as Ray pointed out but if you take a pay drop it will not normally be for very long.

    Now is the time to try the industry for a couple of reasons I think,

    Firstly there are loads of technical jobs onshore around at the moment so if it does not suit you can leave and get back to something else.

    Secondly there are loads of jobs in the ROV industry and if it does suit you and you enjoy it there is as much work as you want and that trend does not seem to be slowing down.

    It is a big step to change career paths and you should think it through carefully and also research the companies look at some of the old threads on sites like this as there are some strong opinions about some of the firms here.

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