Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Online hydraulic course

Online hydraulic course

Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Online hydraulic course

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    Gina McLauchlan

    This is one carried over from the old forum
    A while back someone was asking about hydraulic courses.

    An online basic hydraulic course can be found here.


    Also lots of other free courses on this site to while away the days while you are waiting for the phone to ring.


    Gina McLauchlan

    This is one carried over from the old forum

    Hi Centurion

    Nice one !

    Just had a look at the links and here’s what the FREE online course covers…

    This course serves as a guide for personnel who will operate and maintain equipment using hydraulic-powered control systems. It includes general information covering basic hydraulics and describes the properties and characteristics of fluids and several types of pumps, motors, valves, and controls. This manual also deals with piping, tubing, and hoses used to convey fluid under pressure. It describes the functions and types of reservoirs, strainers, filters, and accumulators. It discusses the purposes and types of seals and packings used in fluid power systems.

    Best regards
    James Mc


    I agree, Nice post. I looked through their list briefly and found the basic AC useful as well…….Great resource to brush up on some skills that we use in our jobs.

    Gina McLauchlan

    This is one carried over from the old forum

    💡 There is some useful technical stuff on the http://www.hydraulicsupermarket.com website. Hope this helps!


    Gina McLauchlan

    This is one carried over from the old forum´

    They had changed the link but the course is still there…

    New link is:

    best regards
    James Mc

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