Home Forums General Financial, Tax and Insurance Panama registered vessel

Panama registered vessel

Home Forums General Financial, Tax and Insurance Panama registered vessel

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    I’m currently employed on a Panama registered vessel and want to apply for a discharge book. Is this allowed or does it have to be a British registered ship?

    Thanks for any help.


    It’s allowed to have more than 1 discharge book.
    I have a dutch book and one from Antigua.
    In case you’re a british civilan and have a british discharge book, make sure this book is signed also when signing off. This is for your own tax.
    It might be that you need a Panamese book if this is reguired by law in Panama. You might have to check that your medical information is also copied into the Panamese book.

    Ray Shields

    If you wish to have a British Discharge Book you normally require a letter from your company and they have to quote a British registered vessel. Most just make one up as theres few British ones nowadays!

    No idea about other countries

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