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  • #10351

    now now ladies i seem to have caused some unrest on this website have i????i understand how the old guys of this site are pissed off because they’ve worked offshore for so long and us younger guys are coming in,dont worry boys,gordon brown will look after you with your pensions,MAKE WAY FOR THE YOUNG CREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL


    Take care Young Skywalker.

    As my "Old" Friend Yoda once said : Many hard falls there are.


    The Finger


    I bet that he would like to change his Avatar…$20 says that he keeps it just because there is no way he can change it now

    Scott Beveridge

    now now ladies i seem to have caused some unrest on this website have i????i understand how the old guys of this site are pissed off because they’ve worked offshore for so long and us younger guys are coming in,dont worry boys,gordon brown will look after you with your pensions,MAKE WAY FOR THE YOUNG CREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

    🙄 🙄 😆 😆

    And once again (ad infinum / nauseum) ladies and germs… Make way for MORE repairs!!!!!!!!!!!!


    you dont need to tell us twice scotbeve or have you got a stutter?i know someone who can help build your confidence back up to help u speak properly,just give me a shout and i’ll give you his number

    Scott Beveridge

    you dont need to tell us twice scotbeve or have you got a stutter?i know someone who can help build your confidence back up to help u speak properly,just give me a shout and i’ll give you his number

    I didn’t son, the computer went wonkers.. Although on second thought… Maybe I should take out the metal straight-edge that I have had the pension to use on young, raucous lads as yourself.

    If you’re so keen, lean, and mean why don’t you send me a PM and tell me your real name instead of hiding behind some poser postings and that idiotic "I have a penis" picture you use as a avatar, son.

    James McLauchlan

    you dont need to tell us twice scotbeve or have you got a stutter?

    Double post deleted by admin


    son?????u probably dont even have a son in those set of bags mate!grow a set of balls first u hard man!challenging me over the internet you must be one mean motherfucker!oh i better go and change my boxers now!

    Scott Beveridge

    son?????u probably dont even have a son in those set of bags mate!grow a set of balls first u hard man!challenging me over the internet you must be one mean motherfucker!oh i better go and change my boxers now!

    Yes, in another thread you stated that us ol’ farts should make way for the young – ergo, you’re a tadpole and yes, I’m old enough to be your old man (all the places I’ve been – there’s a chance that I am… I’ve had some fugly bar flies down under). Aren’t man enough for a challenge or are you scared s – – – less (you still haven’t told me your real name in a PM…)??? Oh yeah, BTW – I’m not mean at all, just curious as to why you are… Odipus complex or something??? Any nibble here SON???

    Aren’t there some forum rules about the use of profanity in this forum???? I mean, some of us have class and aren’t squatocrats….


    Wow scottie are you still alive, thought you were long gone by now

    Scott Beveridge

    Wow scottie are you still alive, thought you were long gone by now

    Yeah, not that old and slowed down on the partying after I got married, kids, etc. So… yeah I’m still of this earth tho’ some folk will contest that…. Hmmmmm… still working – making hay whilst the sun shines / rates are pretty good! Within 275 more working days the retirement funds and the kids edu funds will be all set – "THE BIG R!!!"

    Send me a PM so I know / remember who you are – it’s just not clicking in the ol’ grey matter…


    This is the best thread ever! I should have said that I was also asking my pilots to work 60 on and 10 off!

    I am kidding about all of it of course, I give raises, provide training and screen all the applicants, arrange travel and transfers, etc.


    I have deceided that THE BLACK FINGERNAIL is the funniest poster this side of the black stump 😆 😆 😆

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