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Perry Slingsby Systems

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Perry Slingsby Systems

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  • #921

    hi Guys,
    I am planning to do a course with PERRY SLINGS SYSTEMS has any body attended the course with them or heard of them ,How are they??????

    thanks for your replys.


    I attended their school in houston a couple of months ago. It was a 4 wk course. 1 week on electronics, 1 week fiber, 1 week hydraulics, last week on tms,lars, and roundup. Was very intensive 8-5 doing exercises and from 5-8 simulator training. We had a relatively small class (7 of us) and things went fairly smoothly. The instructors were knowledgeable and experienced in the industry and for a noobie like myself provided a good background on what you needed to know. Its a lot to absorb in a short amount of time, but I learned a lot. Hope that helps ya.


    com’on Guys,
    More than 75 VIEWS and only one reply. i am sure there are more than one guy who has done the course with perry slings………. or heard about them. I am asking for a help to do a ROV course on a ROV website and all i get is one reply.

    I think that you guys can do better than that.


    I have heard the PSSL course is pretty good, only problem with it is if you are doing the course to aid in getting a start in the industry then you better start with a company that operate TXLS’s, as that is what 90% of the course is based around, so if you get a start with say S club, who don’t operate them…………….. well you get my drift.
    I have seen the simulator in action which looks the dogs bolloks.
    It’s funny that you ask on this forum "has anyone heard of Perry Slingsby" if you’re a new start trying to get into the industry and you did a little bit of homework you would have found out that they are the biggest supplier of ROV and related equipment out there, I heard at the last count that PSSL vehicles make up around 55% of all the ROV’s out there.


    I believe the course is pretty new so there will not be too many people around to give you feedback.

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