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please don’t shout

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner please don’t shout

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    i have looked through the forum to see where best to place this post,Im currently serving as a leading engineering technician onboard the vanguard class submarines i have had experience with hydraulics and high pressure systems for 5 years but have spent the last 2 years working on the electrical side of things.Heres my problem i would like to work in the oil and gas industry but havent got a clue where to go. I thought at first i would like to be an electrician on the rigs themseleves then while looking through the Quest magazine (forces resetlement mag) i saw a brief article on life as an ROV pilot and found it very interesting,like alot of the posts im not sure where to go next, ive looked at the fort william and the global marine courses but after reading alot of the posts im not sure whats best to do.any help would be great.

    p.s. if this thread isn’t where i should’ve put it i apologise


    I am sure they wont shout. Though since im a newbie in the industry, i may not be the right person to advice you on this. However, from the replies I’ve seen in the rookie forum, they said if your background is right (which it is from your post) then it’s either go to training centers (if you want to shell out the money) or look for companies that accepts trainees and apply. They always say to check your CV and see if it’s good to send out to companies that might need ROV trainees. 😉

    James McLauchlan

    On the subject of courses. These days, as you may be someone that might have the benefit of a resettlement course paid for by the military, I would suggest you take an ROV course, take your survival, obtain an offshore medical and start banging on doors around say: March/April of the year you leave.

    I say March/April because (in the North Sea) it starts to pick up then so that, added to normal global activity may improve your chances of finding work.

    To read more on the course should I or shouldn’t I dilemma read: FAQ: Should I do an ROV Training Course to help get a job?

    Also check out: FAQ: How to lay out your CV

    That FAQ will give you the format and also advise what information is required. The Offshore ROV type CV (Resume) does not follow the norm for shore based CV’s.


    I could not agree more with what James Has wrote. From experience of being in the same position as an CSM I found that the subserv course with accom fitted the resettlement course critera. The people who were running that school are now running a similar school called mtcs based in Kendal.

    Unless resetlement costs have vastly increased you will still have to shell out for a survival and medical. Have a good look around for the survival as some of the centres prices vary. For me the Fleetwood nautical college is the cheapest as it is commutable and also as it is a college there is no VAT charge so there is a saving instantly.

    As for medicals have a look around I pay £80 pounds for mine but I have heard of much more expensive places. It is worth checking with your local health authority for registered doctors who will do the medical.

    At the moment it seems like it will be busy year so you should not have to much trouble getting into the industry but if as I suspect you are a TIFF then you will have to learn how to use a bucket of water and a broom if you are unsure ask an OM 😆

    Happy hunting ship wreck


    F**king Tiff i think u’ll find im a killick stoker i’ll just wipe the spit off now 🙂


    Still a bomber queen though!!!


    bomber queen i may be but still not a "T" boat willy biter 🙂

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