Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Questions about life as an ROV operator

Questions about life as an ROV operator

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Questions about life as an ROV operator

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    I had a few questions about ROV work as I was looking at transferring into the industry (I do understand it isn’t as straight forward as this), but have been unable to find the following information anywhere, if someone doesn’t mind helping?

    I understand the work is mainly ship based on a 4 on 4 off rota (although this can change)

    Do ROV’s operate in rough water?

    are you on the ship for all 28 days or does it go back to port?

    What are facilities like on the ships in general (ie sleeping quarters, internet, food, is it claustrophobic etc?)

    Are you almost always helicoptered to the survey ship or usually flown and meet in port?
    Any answers to these would be much appreciated . . Thanks in advance

    Ewan McKen


    As well as Survey Boats, there is lots of ROV work on Construction Vessels, (Crane) Barges and Drilling Rigs.

    Equal time on/off 4,5 or 6 weeks is common. Work twice as long as you get at home is also common, as is work anything from 2 days to 3 months whenever they want you to.

    You are generally better off trying to work under the rough water.

    How often you port call depends on the Vessel and the Work Scope.

    Some ships are like a Hotel with single man cabins, your own shower room, and a choice of several relaxing Day Rooms. Some are wear your boots to bed in 8 man bunk rooms, wait to use grotty communal showers, and struggle to find anywhere remotely restful. Food varies from incredible to practically inedible.

    Joining in Port, long rides on Taxi Boats and transfer by Helicopter are all common.


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