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Questions and discussions for ROV Rookie Corner

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Questions and discussions for ROV Rookie Corner

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  • #26824

    Drilling is where it’s at. Looking at course in petroleum engineering from Herriot Watt, maybe go into drilling or reservoir engineering. 3 years if you do it part time, but I reckon you could do it in 8-months to 1 if you read the manuals like utter stink.

    6k gbp.

    Dandydon, 3 wives? That’s the spirit!! The traditional "old school" ROV pilot had them all at the same time and spent equal amounts of time in different countries just to get the tax back!

    In todays market, if I were to go that route, I’m afraid I’d have to be conservative and do it one after the other. It’s a sad time for ROV.


    Aye dandy ken fit ye mean gie me Icarus ony day O the wik, bit ROVCON lads are good craic, Icarus lads, maist O em are up er ain arses, i twa crews O em wi hid last year wiz ony wye min, tae much bloody shite involved we ROVCON, gettin oan an aff a porch we ROVCON is shite enough niver mine a the ither shite that goes we it!


    Dandydon, 3 wives? That’s the spirit!! The traditional "old school" ROV pilot had them all at the same time and spent equal amounts of time in different countries just to get the tax back!


    I a fir tradition, that’s how a ended up wi 3 "official" wives, they a foond oot aboot the "other" wives during my special "tax breaks"


    Aye dandy ken fit ye mean gie me Icarus ony day O the wik, bit ROVCON lads are good craic, Icarus lads, maist O em are up er ain arses, i twa crews O em wi hid last year wiz ony wye min, tae much bloody shite involved we ROVCON, gettin oan an aff a porch we ROVCON is shite enough niver mine a the ither shite that goes we it!

    aye , miserable hoors :mrgreen:


    ach weel min, it’s a sair ficht fer a half loaf n no mistake. now, wid ye ‘laborate ‘boot is cowpit yow?

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