Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Resale Value of ROV

Resale Value of ROV

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Resale Value of ROV

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  • #6616

    I would like to know the resale value of ROV and accessories.

    For example, if I purchased a new ROV system for @ GBP125,000, how much can I sell it 1 to 2 years later assuming it is in good working condition?

    Another example, if I purchased a new torque tool for @ GBP20,000, how much can I sell it 1 to 2 years later?


    The resale value will depend on a lot of things.

    A few are condition, operating hours, spares included, rov type, and demand.

    If you had a popular system that has low hours, been maintained well, and has a comprehensive spares package, and you were trying to sell mid summer then you would probably get a very good price for it.

    On the other hand if the ROV had been through the ship’s prop then you would probably have to pay some one to take it away.


    Hi Glevum

    Thanks for your comments.

    I completely agreed with you that the resale value of the ROV will depend on the condition, operating hours, spares included, rov type, and demand etc.

    You mentioned that a popular system that has low hours, been maintained well, and has a comprehensive spares package, would probably get a very good price for it. Can I say that for a 1-year-old ROV, the "good" price will probably be at 90% of the original purchase price (assuming a depreciation rate of 10% per annum)?

    Ray Shields

    I would say depreciation would be more than 10% per anum.

    Many companies write off their equipment over a 6 year period.

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