Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Rookie Ex Forces (Some advice if you please)

Rookie Ex Forces (Some advice if you please)

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Rookie Ex Forces (Some advice if you please)

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  • #16925
    Scott Beveridge


    The industry is real busy with, what?, 104.00 USD/bbl… Plug on, be patient with some of us plonkers on the site, and good luck.

    As I said earlier to prepare you for some of them…

    Sounds like you did your homework – send off the CV.



    The industry is real busy with, what?, 104.00 USD/bbl… Plug on, be patient with some of us plonkers on the site, and good luck.

    As I said earlier to prepare you for some of them…

    Sounds like you did your homework – send off the CV.

    Trust me i dont take members of a site to reflect the industry.

    The CV is being tweeked and pulled and will be bashed out to all the major players from now till Novemeber When i take off this green skin.

    Still unsure on which course’s to go for but I’ll keep lurking around the sub-forums and sucking it all in.

    Ashley Hollick

    Im in the same boat mate, getting out of the Navy mid next year, and looking to get into the ROV world because it is something im passionate about. Let us know how you go with everything mate and i’ll do the same. message me…



    I find myself in a simular posn as you, i’m leaving the Infantry after 13 yrs and am looking for employment in ROV industry. The best advice i’ve recieved is as follows;
    1. First first yr at least apply for salary job, most agencies are looking for people with one yr or 100 days min experience

    2. For people like me (No Trade Quals) Do the ROV cse at Fort william, 3 weeks rov operator then 4 weeks electronics, My resettlment doesn’t even cover a quatre of cse cost!!!!!!

    3. And lastlty stay on web sites like these and chat to people in the know and gleen from there experiences( ROVTRAIN has got a lot of good stuff to say)

    Hope this has been helpful Feel free to stay in touch and good luck!




    I find myself in a simular posn as you, i’m leaving the Infantry after 13 yrs and am looking for employment in ROV industry. The best advice i’ve recieved is as follows;
    1. First first yr at least apply for salary job, most agencies are looking for people with one yr or 100 days min experience

    2. For people like me (No Trade Quals) Do the ROV cse at Fort william, 3 weeks rov operator then 4 weeks electronics, My resettlment doesn’t even cover a quatre of cse cost!!!!!!

    3. And lastlty stay on web sites like these and chat to people in the know and gleen from there experiences( ROVTRAIN has got a lot of good stuff to say)

    Hope this has been helpful Feel free to stay in touch and good luck!


    Thanks for the tips mate and good luck in whatever you do.

    Its hard really juggling cost’s time and any other fast ball they throw at you.

    im just trying to sort exactly what when and how i am going to ressetle.

    They are definatley right about giving it a good year………..But as you can guess i still have to do and go places in that year.

    Oh well CTW next week then i will start banging the CV out as a start point.

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