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what camera is most suitible for FPV ROV underwater ?!
does an ordinary camera do well (after adding water protection ofcourse) ?
my budget is about 20 to 40 dollars
thanks in advance
Many cheap underwater cameras use off the shelf video cameras. The trick is to make a waterproof housing with a water corrected lens in it that is cheap enough, not so easy.
Have a look at something like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WuJV3_SwLU
thanks for reply & the video
would one of these cameras be good enough, if i get suitible lens and make my housing ?
and would the view be really bad without the corrected lens ?!
Good enough for what? A pipeline survey? probably not. An ROV competition? Probably.
Yes it’s a competetion , under about 30 metres in depth , wires allowed
Thanks alot
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