Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner ROV Informations, pls reply

ROV Informations, pls reply

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner ROV Informations, pls reply

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  • #2326

    Hi folks,
    I logged on this forum while ago but I didnt write anything, so…

    I have a few questions…

    I’m finishing my studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (Croatia).
    My specialization is in electronics and computer engineering.
    Now I need to choose something for my final thesis, so I was thinking why not ROV.
    I found some materials online about ROVs but i would like to ask you if u have some materials to send me that could help me?

    And the second question is…

    Are there any posibilities for me to work with ROVs in the future after i finish my studies?

    Thanks in advance



    What information do you require exactly?


    I sent you a PM!


    I dont’t have a thesis like isana but i’d like to ask you guys also if you could share it with me. any aticle/ files that you have with regards to ROV. I’m trying to learn everything that I could when it comes to ROV for I am looking forward to have a career in this industry.

    any help is very much appreciated.

    Ray Shields

    Asking for ANY information on ROV is like saying "tell me about cars, I am interested in them". There is too much information.

    Firstly, do your own research using Google or other search enines. You will find a LOt of information already on the Internet.

    If you have SPECIFIC questions (apart from "how do I get a job in ROVs" as this has been answered to death and all the information is already on this site in the FAQs and in old messages) then post them.


    i already googled allot for ROV but i found only information about weight, height, horse power etc. I’m more interested in electronics and maybe software solution. How does it work, what are his capabilities etc.

    Thanks !

    James McLauchlan

    i already googled allot for ROV but i found only information about weight, height, horse power etc. I’m more interested in electronics and maybe software solution. How does it work, what are his capabilities etc.

    Thanks !


    I feel that you are almost asking the impossible here. Going back to Ray’s post. It is almost the same as asking; How does a modern car work? and; What are the capabilities of a modern car?
    How do you start to explain that? ABS, BAS, ECU, Electronic ignition, Air con, sounds system, power steering, power assisted brakes, spark ignition, comprehension ignition?

    You can simply ask ‘how does an ROV work’ because there are many different designs and sizes around.
    In their most basic form they go under water, propel themselves around with thrusters and send video back to the surface.
    ROV’s are used for cable burial, seabed sampling, seabed surveys, construction, drill support, pipeline and platform surveys, diver support to name just a few. In each case there are different requirements and therefore different vehicle classes and sensors/manipulators/tooling packages fitted.

    It would be an impossible task for anyone to explain how it is achieved from the ground up.

    If you keep trawling the net you will gradually build up a database of knowledge that will answer the questions that you feel you wish to build your knowledge up on. Often, university websites will explain how they build their systems but you can be certain that most commercial manufacturers do not release information on their products unless you are a customer.

    There is also stuff in this Forum discussing various aspects of systems.. you just need to hunt it down.

    best regards
    James Mc

    Martin Wareham

    subCAN isn’t the only control system for ROVs but it will give you an idea …….


    (scroll down to Underwater Vehicles CAN Do It)

    There are also ICE (Perry-Slingsby), DTS(Schilling), DVECS (SMD) among others.

    If you go to the individual ROV manufacturers web sites they will more than likely tell you something about their electronics and software.


    Martin Wareham

    Another online magazine …….


    Useful places for ROV information all over the web 😉 Also check out the Links on this forum and also Ron’s ROV Links is another good one.


    Thanks alot guys, you realy helped me.

    martin!!! u rule man!! hahaha this last link helped me alot, indeed.

    I hope that some day I’ll be answering noob questions like you answered mine 😛 .

    Best regards,

    Martin Wareham

    Not a problem Vedran 🙂

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