One topic that companies don’t seem to want individuals to discuss with each other is what their current rate of pay is.
We feel that this strategy suits the company better than the individual and decided that the playing field needed levelling a little so that the little man in the street (as it were) has some idea of who is being paid what in any part of the world, at any one time.
CLICK HERE to view current ROV Pay rates
If you want to see your rate, or your company’s rates added to the sheet please email: copy and paste the format (below) into your email and fill in as required.
We will only publish emailed or PM’d rates but not those posted in forum threads.
We do not have the time nor resources to trawl through various posts on rates and extract the information from them.
When you do send in the rates using the format below helps us a lot.
The company you work for:
Office Location (e.g.: Aberdeen, UK. Singapore. Houston, USA):
Which Agency (if applicable):
Agency Location (if applicable):
What your position is/was:
What your day rate is/was (specify GBP or USD):
Any other info you feel we should know:
All rates will be accepted at face value and treated as anonymous.
Emails received will not be replied to. This will protect the sender at source should it be needed.
Those of you that have sent rates in to us in the past know this to be the case.
Rest assured even if we are pressed by a company, to reveal the source of information we receive, we will not give away the source for what ever reason.
We reserve the right to publish, or not, any rates we receive.
We only display the highest rate submitted for a Company/Agency covering a particular position.
Some companies have more positions than listed, some have less, these are the main positions within the Industry and will use them as an average and will not go into greater detail than this.
We also work offshore, so rates will be updated periodically.