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ROV Pilot/Techs for Idoho, Nigeria

Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements ROV Pilot/Techs for Idoho, Nigeria

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  • #21600

    well my advice is …. please dont give out "the rate" we all know on this site that giving out any indicaton of money !!!! gets the attention of "PIRATES" !!! lol

    Keith Richardson

    ROVmaster I think star stated a good point regarding stating day rates on the thread, doing this is not safe for the guys, if they are interested in the position the rest of the communications should be done in private. We are also an agency and by the looks of it we have the same client, deepseacon was correct in his thread regarding the day rate we were offering in November. The good thing about this forum is that a lot of ROV guys get to see what is on offer and also what is coming up, now when another agency offers a lot less of a day rate for the same job the guys get to see this straight away. The reason I mention this is because I still work offshore and our aim is to try and get the best possible day rates for the guys who have to sacrifice a lot during the working year. I am sorry to say this but when you stated 320 GBP + and another agency is offering a lot more, it looks like you are creaming a lot of money off the guys day rate on the hope that someone with less experience will say yes. As you are probably aware the ROV day rates have not seen any substantial increases in years, now bearing this in mind it is our job to try and get the day rates up, as we are slowly becoming the worst paid personnel offshore.

    Best regards,


    Active Offshore Solutions Ltd.



    Thanks for the tip guys I really appreciate it. will bear this in mind the next time i post.


    The rate on the high side and don’t go any lower, pls

    Just think for 45 days work, disrupting from your regular Rota is it worth going, more over many Rambo waiting for you the rabbit, indiana my foot.

    You can be ex Marine, SAS, SBS, SEAL, the hardware you have the most safety boots & hard hats, ppe for god sake.

    Donnie Cameron

    [] more over many Rambo waiting for you the rabbit, indiana my foot.

    Good point!

    Donnie Cameron

    Like the bling though!

    Andy Shiers

    A Gang of Gorillas with machine guns ! 😯


    He’s right to pulblish the rates, lets get them out in the open.

    If all the agencies did it then we would soon see who is "creaming alot of the day rate". If you are all upfront and giving us a fair deal then what you affraid of?

    Actives comments just seem to be saying "shut up, dont let the cat out the bag". How can advertising the rate be stopping us from increasing it, what a load of codswalop! If one agent is low and the other high then you obviously go with the high one, so the low one has to raise their rate to compete meaning rates go up. Good for the guy’s ………….No?

    If as an agent your "aim is to get the best poosible day rate" and you are, then we would all be coming to you.

    Rovamster your rates is well below all the agencies on this one, better luck next time and keep putting the rate! The guys will tell you if you are off the mark.


    May all get the good rates I wish all,

    Agency are known to fill you in on slots thats Temp, unwanted and hardwork. So don’t go sucker in by them, always a saying Loyalty end when the pay cheque ends. They do find good slots, but very rare I say, aye….

    Nae loose a hand or a leg to ask arround for opinion.

    To better help this community, I ugre you blokes have a pine and think of a way out of this not so good time.

    James McLauchlan

    Thread Locked!


    Because this section of the Forum is for agencies to advertise their requirements for personnel not an area for people to debate the merits of certain agencies.

    If you wish to discuss agencies and their benefits, or shortcomings, please do so in the employment discussion area and not in the Agency Requirements section.
    The same applies to the Operator Requirements section.

    best regards
    James Mc

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