We are Bluewhale Offshore Engineering in Shenzhen China.
We will shortly be operating / managing / providing personnel for 4 brand new ROV systems (2 x PP + 2 x Quantum) in addition to the current aged systems (Venom + 1 x PP). We require within 1 month (more to follow) 2 x Supervisors + 2 x PT with Seaeye PP exp.
We are offering 1 year contracts with 6×6 rotation, payment in US$ (780-910pd), tax is up to you.
You may have read many things about Bluewhale on this forum but you have never read that we are poor payers (15 days).
We are also looking for someone to re-locate to China to take over a full time Ops Manager position which will include setting up management and maintenance programs for Bluewhale and Client ROV systems.
If you are interested please send CV and other details to cbarclay@163.net
Please do not PM me. We guarantee to respond to your e-mail.
This notice is in no way intended to reflect poorly on the entirely satisfactory services currently provided to Bluewhale by any agency.
Chris Barclay
Chief Engineer (sometimes Ops Manager)
Bluewhale Offshore Engineering Technology Co Ltd