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ROV PT1/PT2 and Supervisors required

Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements ROV PT1/PT2 and Supervisors required

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    Ray Shields

    hey gordon,can u please tell me if i have a chance to work for ur company after i finish my ROV pilot course in fortwilliam’s The Underwater Center on march,i’m a 23 years old egyptian electonics and communications engineer with 3 months experiance in exxonmobil as a field engineer and a year and a half experiance in a market leader ISP (internet service provider) in egypt as a field engineer too,please reply me back

    The words slim and none come to mind 😀

    Gordon Prest

    Hi mido,

    As you have probably read in other post’s, there are a LOT of guys doing the course at the moment. I probably get a dozen or so CV’s everytime a course finishes. As with any industry the client will always try to choose the best from any selection they get, so for instance if I send two CV’s to a client where one guy has been a postman and the other has a degree in electrical engineering then the choice would be obvious.
    All I can say is that if you want me to help find work I will of course do what I can but it may be a waiting game. You will also have to realise that the starting rates will not be huge. As with most jobs, you start at the bottom and work up.
    Hope that helped.

    Andy Shiers

    And you are an agency 😕
    I , for one , will never work for you with that policy 😯


    I have used HPR in the past and as for their professionalism, there is no question I would absolutely work for them in the future. It is too bad I have a wedding to attend during the time this job will mob up…….but hey, who can resist a Christmas holiday/wedding as an excuse NOT to work. I would definitely recommend HPR to anyone. If you don’t know, hprme is a branch of hpruk (Iain Petrie)……….good man.

    Lostboy, if you are speaking in reference to the policy of working your way up from the bottom…….. c’mon man, I know you didn’t start at the top! lol Let the new guys do the same thing you, and I have done, work their way up……….

    Happy Holidays everyone!

    James McLauchlan

    And you are an agency 😕
    I , for one , will never work for you with that policy 😯

    I see nothing wrong with GordonatHPR’s statement. It looks about right to me.


    Have heard they should bo OK to work for.

    Andy Shiers

    They might be good But I have been , Am now and always will be adamant that to try and put some kind of qualifications or level of competancy in the freelance circuit , Personnel need to have a certain amount of experience ( As I have said in the past )
    Yes , everyone starts somewhere But not on the Mercenary circuit.
    Trainees get your training with a company on salary.
    Name me any other Industry or business that you ring up an agency and get Trainees ? Secretaries ? Welders ? Electricians ? Plumbers ? Bricklayers ? I.T programmers ? Accountants ? Life Guards ?
    Why should we be any different ?
    AND I know Agencies have been puuting trainees out on contracts and charging quite alot of money for them 😡
    Who has to put up with this ? Not the company ( If the contract makes money they are delirious and get a bonus ) MUGGINS here has to put up with it 👿 Does this arguement ring any bells with other threads by chance 😯
    So before any of you start spluttering about " When I was a trainee " think about WHY I said what I said and whether YOU think it would benefit a small ROV team and the rates 😕


    So which agency are you going to work for then, because they all put out trainees fresh out of ROV school if asked.

    Andy Shiers

    And this is the dilemma we face which coincides with the experience level / CV’s that are falsified and the standards of ROV practice in the Industry. On one hand you have the people at IMCA and "The training schools" trying to raise the standards of ROV pilots and trying to Police that standard. You have to start somewhere I know but it sure does not help the situation , Agencies pushing out Trainees as experienced ( And yes , most of them do put it on ! 👿 ) personnel charging ridiclous money and ultimately putting pressure on the whole ROV team when the crew change comes and the person coming out is in fact a trainee or has not got a clue !
    How often has this occured ? Hmmm ? It has happened alot of times with me 😕
    So how do you try to govern this ?
    Yes ,Yes ,Yes , Trainees have to start somewhere , but if they are put out on the contract BY the ROV operator AS trainees , fine ( Although in a common sense situation they are additional to the team , they learn and are not a burden on some contracts where the teams are small ) But sending Trainees out via an agency Usually puts pressure on the job and makes a mockery of trying to maintain or provide a standard.


    Yes Lostboy, well said, agree entirely.

    Nothing worse than working offshore with an agency “ROV Pilot” who can’t pilot, can’t fix an ROV. Worse still, is getting two of them from the same agency on the same job, shame on agencies that deliberately pull that one.

    Maybe its time in the ROV industry for a high end agency that restricts entry and invites known quality personnel? 🙂

    I would think quite a few ROV companies would pay a premium just to know they will avoid the current lack of quality personnel. My apologies to a large number of agency persons who do an excellent job and who are put into awkward situations by their own agency (sending agency trainees out as Senior PT’s).

    ROV companies really do want professional, well grounded, competent personnel to solve immediate staff shortages. They have enough lack of skilled ROV pilots offshore without paying an agency to get more.

    They don’t want to hire trainees off an agency that can’t perform, that’s just nuts ❗


    Hey Lostboy.
    Even worst is if the agency is sending out a Supervisor that doesn’t have a fooking idea about a system, about flying and about living offshore in general!!! We both seen that on the same job, didn’t we? (Man with a golden helmet)
    If you have a trainee with you, you know that you can’t count on him very much, but when you have a Supv that don’t know anything about ROV’s that’s really scary shit!!!


    Dear Gordon,
    I don’t want a huge day rate at the beginning ,I’ll even accept a job with below average day rate, I won’t give money attention until my log book is rich enough to ask for the big bucks, my only concern is to get a job within an experienced ROV team to get as much experience out of them and to learn how to cope with the offshore community in the minimum time possible, so Gordon please if you can help me out after I finish my course on march, that would be great, if you need my C.V, just give me your e mail and I’ll send you it right away, thank you .

    Scott Beveridge


    WTF are you talking about? It’s going to take you 10 – 15 years of really working your bollocks off before you even concider a job in this field… but then again, you are willing to undercut a few thousand people much more experienced than you in this industry. I wish you the worst of luck and karma (heck, the Chinese do it – why can’t I???). Go kiss your mat some more 5 times a day – BTW – I’ve seen some of you "devout" dudes watching some compromising video during some of the "Prayer Times"


    Good one Scot!!!


    ur askin me WTF am i talkin about an then ur wishing me the worst of luck an then ur askin me to go kiss my mat some more 5 times a day..well,thx for your decent words buddy and i really wish to learn from experianced guyz like you

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