Getting a good rate is important, whether you are a trainee, Pilot Tech or Supervisor.
Working for less than the going rates or god forbid even free will not endear you to your workmates as in the long run will push the day rates the wrong way. While everyone has to start somewhere there are rates for trainees just like other positions.
I last worked off shore in 99 and after a long break working on shore am considering going back to the industry, but as I was told on my very first swing offshore in 93 "always make sure you get a good rate, it’s important not just to your bank account but also to the rest of us working in the industry"
Quite often its word of mouth that get you the next job ie a guy on a job now who "knows" a good guy who is available
Working offshore I found is a lot more than being able to pilot a ROV it is important to get along with others often in less than ideal conditions. On a platform or ship there is no way to get away from a plonker or a@#%hole
Anyway, good luck
and GordanatHPR sorry for the thread drift mate