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Rov Schools/training

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Rov Schools/training

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    daniel hing

    Hi all…..Im pretty much new to all this, and ive been searching the net endlessly for help but to no avail…..basically my uncle works for an oil rig in texas and after talking to him, hes told me he would be happy to hire me as an ROV tender all i need to do is get basic training in ROV concentrating on electrics, mechanics and hydruallics, he said there is schools i can do a 3week course in for free and thats all id need to be hired…..problem is im yet to find any1 that can take me on without a huge fee or some basic qualifications in one of the above mentioned subjects…..Is there a school or course i can do that any of u know about?? Cheers guys thanks for your Time Daniel

    daniel hing

    I no, i no i didnt RTFF!! IM doing so now, your all right its helped no end so far!

    Donny Bilbo

    IDK about a three week free school but i went through a ROV course at Temple College in Temple, Texas. and it was definitely not free and it was 8 weeks but i think worth it completely! check it out at http://www.subsearobotics.net/


    This should be moved to the jokes section

    Ray Shields

    "The students will find it easy to learn ROV fundamentals and aplly them correctly".

    Spelling is obviously optional.

    And I like the (only) photo in the "ROV Gallery":-

    Wade Berglund

    Must be the new "manual" type ROV’s that are now on the market, they are operated and maintained by non-technical background people who work for peanuts.

    I do not see any umbilical on them 🙄

    These ROV’s seem to be trimmed for positive buoyancy and lacking strong thrusters.

    Andy Shiers

    Must be the Tropics…………………………… The water is blue 😆

    James McLauchlan

    It gets better..


    Under Remotely Operated Vehicles

    Picture of some well proportioned gent hanging his gut over
    the rail with a Diving chamber behind his admirers.

    There is a hardly an ROV in view anywhere on the website.

    Nor would I would suggest might be a fair recommendation for their training establishment.

    Andy Shiers

    Isn’t that a ROV in the background cleverly disguised as a chamber ! 😀
    Atleast they are wearing overalls
    Maybe they are looking for the ROV in the water as someone let the Umbilical go over the side ?


    It gets better..


    Under Remotely Operated Vehicles

    There is a hardly an ROV in view anywhere on the website.

    There is better pic under: ROV Photo Gallery

    Understand, that they are swimming with the ROV hidden somewhere in the pool !?

    Andy Shiers

    aaagh 🙂
    Lifesavers or ROV support crew 😀

    Lloyd Todd


    Thats made my week been rolling around the office all day, this is a wind up right?



    Wind-up defo

    Scott Beveridge

    Hi all…..Im pretty much new to all this, and ive been searching the net endlessly for help but to no avail…..basically my uncle works for an oil rig in texas and after talking to him, hes told me he would be happy to hire me as an ROV tender all i need to do is get basic training in ROV concentrating on electrics, mechanics and hydruallics, he said there is schools i can do a 3week course in for free and thats all id need to be hired…..problem is im yet to find any1 that can take me on without a huge fee or some basic qualifications in one of the above mentioned subjects…..Is there a school or course i can do that any of u know about?? Cheers guys thanks for your Time Daniel

    ROV Tender???? WTF is that??? Sounds like a "diver-related" school to me. RTFM pinpong


    ROV….Texans …….Brains ……nope …..never met anyone from Texas who who knew what they were talking about …..

    Sorry to any smart Texans out there but they must be the quiet ones.

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