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ROV sub engineer

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner ROV sub engineer

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  • #2581
    Donovan van Vuuren


    James McLauchlan

    Bones.… with a Nic like that you should be able to figure out what the deal is!

    Not sure what this has to do with ROV pay rates, which is the board you originally posted under, so I’ll move the thread to the Rookie section.

    PLUS… If you are going to pass these so called competencies you should know the answers and not need to ask on here.

    I’m sorry if this sounds a little hard, but if you don’t know your stuff you may need to review your experience, or at least chat to a mate at your work site and get some input from them.

    best regards
    James Mc


    You have got to be shi@£$% me! You should be able to answer those with ya eyes closed! 😯

    Wade Berglund

    Sub Engineer asking for answers about competencies on a forum……..sad!

    How many years experience do you have? How many ROV’s have you worked on? How many months or days have you spent offshore?
    Have you done competencies for your PT 2 and PT1? They should prepare you or give you guidance to your Sub Engineer competencies.

    Donovan van Vuuren

    [Abusive content removed by admin] I asked a question not to be ripped off.

    Donovan van Vuuren

    [Abusive content removed by admin]I asked for guidance.What info must I collect and so on.

    Wade Berglund

    To bones

    Well, I stand corrected. I thought in your original post you stated "I am doing my Sub Engineer competencies and I need some answers to some of my questions, could someone please help me with the answers" Or words to that effect.

    I could actually quote you but it appears that you were so embarrassed with your original post that you edited it.

    Since you are quick to shovel drivel on this forum and make it a personal slinging match. You should first, read the forum rules about abusive behavior and actually read about some of the more logical and meaningful questions and answers posted in the FAQ section and in the Rookie corner.

    I believe that no one in this forum was abusive to you…..we were all just stating the obvious and stating the fact that any person doing Sub-Engineer competencies should know the basics or have the gray matter to actually RTFM.

    You may be a person that has no idea what an ROV is and has not got access to manuals…in that case heaven help those people working offshore with you if you are soon to be qualified as a "competent" Sub Engineer.

    Good luck with that……Bones

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