We are just looking for Sub Engineers / Supervisors
No trainees
Rates depend on experiance
(do any companies put rates on a forum ?)
UK residence preferable but not essential
Cheers for the answers, it will save lots of others asking No, companies (and Agencies) tend not to post rates (but everyone always asks!)
We rely on the guys offshore to send in the rates for the different companies they work for and we update them on the ROVWorld Rates page on here. Keep all the Companies and Agencies on their toes
FYI, ISS is a good company, pay is at the higher end of the scale, all of the workclass gear is new 4 X TXLS + 4 X XLX, but they also have MRV 3/4.
They also have a squad of Sub Atlantic beasties.
The only downside is they are tied in with Technip, so lots of short jobs, bit of a ballache mobbing / demobbing XLS’s for a 3 day job.
Not too much work at the moment, but you get paid 12days offshore pay per month. But beware, the days have to be paid back…