Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements ROV Supervisors (Brazil or Congo)

ROV Supervisors (Brazil or Congo)

Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements ROV Supervisors (Brazil or Congo)

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  • #6999
    Karen Robertson

    Bryant are pleased to announce that we are recruiting for ROV Supervisors for the below 5 -6 week trip requirements:

    • BRAZIL on start dates 11/12 and 08/01 – applicants must be in possession Brazilian visa or Passport (Plus Innovator experience is required for the 08/01 trip.)

    • CONGO on start date 30/11 (Super Mohawk experience required)

    If you would like to apply for any of the positions above, we would kindly request that you answer the below questions as part of your application. (Taking the time to answer the below will significantly speed up your application.)


    1.Your full name:
    (as it appears on your passport)

    2.Your job title:

    3.Your offshore certificates held:
    (e.g. Offshore Survival / OGUK Medical / Yellow Fever / Seaman’s Book, etc.)

    4.Your nationality:

    5.Locations willing to work:
    (Select from: Brazil ? or Congo? )

    (e.g. if you have greater qualifications / experience in Hydraulics, Mechanics or Electrical work)

    7.Work Class Experience:
    (Please list all Work Class ROV types used)

    8.Other Experience:
    (Please list any other ROV used, e.g. Seaeye / Sub-Atlantic)

    9.Total Flying Hours:

    10.What date are you available for work from :

    11.Are you willing to work 25th December 2014:

    12.Are you willing to work 31st December 2014:

    Please send these answers and your CV to rov@bryantgroup.co.uk

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Many thanks & warm regards from Philip Hargreaves and the Bryant team.


    Thanks and Kind Regards

    Philip Hargreaves FIRP
    Director – Subsea & Marine Division

    Bryant Engineering Services Limited
    Bryant House
    440 Union Street
    AB10 1TR

    T: 01224 656009
    F: 01224 656000

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