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ROV Supervisors

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    So the company is registered as "Community Services"? Does this mean that only those supervisors who have nicked an old ladies handbag lately can apply, as the only community service I have ever done is for being a bad lad. It does sound better than picking sweet papers up from the local park though!!!!

    I must be in with a chance as my spelling is crap too!!!


    At the end of the day if you get asked to recommend guys, and whos availible its good to know and have a list, as I said this started as a personal project and has developed from there, if I were to look at it from your point of view then some 20 or so recomendations would not have taken place. we all work with many different people but how many e-mail addresses and phone numbers do you have at hand, I know this is what agencies are for and in a way im just helping mine to put more work our way.
    Ill update the rates with those Ive found in a month or so that will be correct by then.
    Its not another layer as supervisors dont work for me and therefore get paid direct from the agent as usual, I always say its better that every interested party knows your name, thats what agencys are all about if you stick with one company then you only get work from that company.

    On the latter post community services llc ltd is the registerd company name, this was only used as the company was also registerd in florida usa by me as a home owners association website design company (community services llc) where I worked for a while and on returning to the Uk had to register a name her (ie llc LTD)so carried on the accounts of the business here under the name community services llc ltd.
    Nothing to do with your spells on remand.
    After going back to work as an Rov supervisor 2 years ago rather than register another ltd company I just bought the name ROVSERVICES.com and linked that to the uk ltd version of CS.
    Hope this satifies the inquisitive .

    Thanks for all the responce. its given me something to do during the long standby periods on Diver support.


    Is this the same ROV Services now working as an Agency. 👿


    Cynical old me, but at 500-1000 squid for referring people to agencies… t’will soon add up.

    Not a bad little screw me thinks 😕


    To T boy and Mike
    We are not an agency as already stated and we dont get paid for referal, just so your all on the right track.


    As an after thought who is using rovservices as an agency name and whats their address, ill be in contact reference copyright.


    just sombody else trying to make £££££££ of our backs, why not get a REAL job yourself rather swilling tea in your office and trying to "get a margin" for doing f*ck all?

    or do you think we are all so stupid to give every tom , dick and fly by night agent OUR wedge?

    there are GOOD agents, (proffs – hpruk – ukps- hydrosub ect) and thats who 99% of us will use, as we have for YEARS!!!

    why not try a BLUE SKY- HARD LANDING, do us all a favour.


    Looking for ROV agents to work for. Been in the ROV business for seven years and thinking about going dayrate. Any ups and downs you could help out with working as a dayrater.


    Andy Shiers

    So what is your cut then , rovservices ?
    Nothin in this life is for free !


    From the website;

    As ROV Supervisors we am responsible for the safety of the team, ROV, tooling and third party personnel. We are responsible for organising and managing the team, also the effective handling of operations and emergency situations. The need to keep accurate records, prepare formal procedures, explain and delegate operational tasks to team and ships crewmembers is always one of our priorities

    We are responsible for managing the mobilisation and demobilisation activities, performing assessments on personnel to IMCA standards and interfacing effectively with the client.

    And we don’t make a penny on ‘our’ personnel 😯

    as I said this started as a personal project and has developed from there

    LB… C’mon it’s all for chariteee mate, it’s rife in the offshore industry

    One thing ROV Services will do is pass on your CV to the likes of Rumic, which is really handy and something that could be done yourself 😕

    Whilst most offshorers’ have had the day dream of running their own agency with all the ‘right’ boys, sitting back and doing nuffink and earning a few bob it takes a bit more transparency with the chaps that you might want to attract 😉 i.e just be a bit more up front.

    You can’t kid a kidder.

    Ray Shields

    I see their website still says"(IMCA approved)" in case any Newbies missed it earlier I will say again – IMCA DO NOT APPROVE any personnel, training, or training school.

    IMCA produce training guidelines, they produce "specifications" for various grades. This does not mean that if you have the skills as laid out in their specification that they have approved you.

    The way I read the postings on here and the website info, ROVServices is more of a "club" of Seaeye experienced guys who have got together, know each others availabilities and passing on jobs to each other.
    If this is the case, then theres certainly nothing wrong with that, I think he is being given a hard time about being an agency when they do not appear to be. Getting together like that and letting each other know about work is a very good idea. They have never called themselves an Agency on here? Its others who have started calling them that.

    By the way the website is registered to Roger Moore, living in Lowestoft. 007 flies Seaeyes?? The company that claims to own RovServices is communityservicesllc.com which itself claims to be a website maker and host for home owners and communities. From their website:-
    "This is where I introduce our Website services manager, Roger Moore, he has had the pleasure of working alongside great teams and Managers in the USA, UK and all over the globe.
    Roger has been working and studying in central Florida gaining his CAM Licence, which he keeps current, this enables him to make sound judgements on what is suitable for publication and what the communities would like to see.".

    So Roger appears to be a Website services manager/ROV Supervisor and saves the world.

    How DOES he fit it all in…

    Andy Shiers

    all in a days work 😀


    like i keep saying, these "agents" keep popping up and vanishing like snow in the spring 🙄

    Andy Shiers

    Havna seen snow in these ‘ear parts in donkeys years 😕


    some agents are decent professionals , but most are pimps.

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