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Home Forums ROVbay! ROV Systems & Equipment for Hire/Rent ROV system & Personell

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  • #813

    Norwegian SubFigther ROV systems & personell

    More info on web site http://www.rovogdykk.no

    mail: jonny@rovogdykk.no


    Can you give me some info on its capabilities, its day rate, the pilots’ day rates and when it would be available?



    Hi David.

    The Subfigthers comes in diffrent versions, the one we have availibile now is the 4500 HD version, its been uppgraded with more&bigger trusthers than original versions.
    It have near to 4 knots foreward speed, approx 2 knots sideways.

    I have used several times down to 700 meters with 1000 meters umbilical in "free fly" mode.
    Its not a very complicated system, but its rugged and reliabale

    there is a spec on it, on the "ROV" link on my web site http://www.rovogdykk.no

    Dayrate vairy a bit ref to long or short term type of work and witch system but are generally around 500 £ for ROV system and 550£ for pilots/tech

    Best reg

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