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ROV Training Course

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    I am looking at getting into the ROV industry, I have been offshore for the last 10 years as a rig electrician and then as a service engineer.

    I have a choice to do the 3 week course at Portland port with GOM or do the 2 week course with MTCS at Windermere. Does it make much difference in which course I decide to do as fas as getting a job afterwards?

    Thanks for your help


    Ray Shields

    Have you tried actually applying for a job before doing any courses? If you get accepted you will be put through the companys training anyway, meaning you would have wasted your money doing a course you didnt need.

    I cannot comment on which of these two courses are better (or worse) I think it would come down to if the company you were applying to new of the training course and thought it was worthwhile or not.

    The MTCS course has been about for some time, and so maybe is better known than the Portland one?

    I would definately ask the question do you need to do a course in the first place. Training courses such as these make very little difference to companys taking on Trainees. You need the correct technical qualifications and background – which you already appear to have.


    I’ve spent about a day reading this forum after which I sent my CV to MTCS and Global Marine for a ROV course, both replied that my technical background is sufficient to do the course. I have a bachelors degree in electronic/electrical engineering, a year of electronic design & troubleshoot experience and two years commercial diving / underwater filming experience. No hydraulic knowledge appart from fixing the odd hydraulic boat steering. Dont have any offshore experience, but have been out at sea plenty (fishing/diving/salvaging/spearfishing).

    MTCS: (Windermere)
    2150 UK pounds ex accomodation
    10day course
    They do training for other companies and are willling to put you in contact after the course.
    Judith Dobson
    +44 (0)15394 48233

    Global Marine: (Portland)
    3525 UK pounds ex accomodation
    3week course
    They also do training for other companies, willing to introduce after successful completion of course.
    Do cable laying and operate a fleet of their own ROVs & vessels.
    Carly Lindop
    +44 (0)1305 828104

    Being from South Africa (currency worthless) it would cost me F**K load of money to do the course. I am willing to source funding if the course/contact with MTCS/Global will help me to secure employment. It would be a lot better if I could get an interview with a potential employer before having to spend all that money. Anybody know of any employer who would consider me? I am willing to do the sh*t shovelling work to gain experience and most importantly learn from & get in contact with the guru’s out there.

    Back to the courses, currently I’m in favour of the Global course because they do ROV work themselves and there might be a back door working for them as a start.

    Anybody with advice?

    Kind Regards


    Forget about the Fcuking courses and send your CV to every company you can think off. Keep the money for a piss up when you get the job you want.




    I agree with the others! Find work first before doing the course. I completed a ROV course and have good engineering background but I’m finding it hard to get work. I recently attended a offshore convension in aberdeen and most of the companies advised finding the job first unlucky for me!!!

    GOOD LUCK MATE!!!!! 😀


    Hello NEW ROV!!!

    Did You go to courses ?
    Did You get some Job?
    And what is You minds to become a ROV man ?

    I am begginer , but have good knowledge in electronic, mechanic ,physic
    and expirenced ….

    I dont know what to do
    Lets talk about it… 8)


    Hello NEW ROV!!!

    Did You go to courses ?
    Did You get some Job?
    And what is You minds to become a ROV man ?

    I am begginer , but have good knowledge in electronic, mechanic ,physic
    and expirenced ….

    I dont know what to do
    Lets talk about it… 8)


    Hello NEW ROV!!!

    Did You go to courses ?
    Did You get some Job?
    And what is You minds to become a ROV man ?

    I am begginer , but have good knowledge in electronic, mechanic ,physic
    and expirenced ….

    I dont know what to do
    Lets talk about it… 8)


    In my interview i was told not only did your experience count , but a big part of getting the job was peoples attitude!
    I explained that this is what i really wanted to do , it wasnt just a case of " i seen the job in the paper and and applied" . Also i said the money wasnt important as that would come once i prove myself when in the door , and that job satisfaction was paramount , id rather get paid less for something i enjoy doing than get paid more for something i struggled to get out my bed for. I wasnt talking pish , that is my attitude.
    650 people applied for the job , i was one of the 18 who got the job 😀
    And bye the way , i know 3 of the 18 didnt turn up on their 1st day.


    Congradulations !!!!

    Did YOU finished some courses or just apply for job with technical expirence ?

    I know ,if I go to rov pilot/tech I not give up , and money for me is not the main reason .
    But how to make first step , how to say "Iam smart man , if I go to work I will do it in the best way" 😆


    No the company put me through a course on my training.
    Yes i had a technical background too.
    8 years motor vehicle tech
    2 years mud motors tech
    1 years tooling tech
    But i do know of people who have got rov jobs without a background and just a 4 week course. It does happen.


    How You found such company?
    And what the courses finished this person?

    sorry if i asking too much ,but i would like to know and
    for me its important . 😳
    May be we will meet in the future on the same ROV and i will give You Good wisky as a present 😀
    P.s. How inpressions in new job

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