Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training ROV Training Now Available In Canada

ROV Training Now Available In Canada

Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training ROV Training Now Available In Canada

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    ROV training available in Vancouver, Canada

    Training course has been designed to the IMCA training ROV recommendations R002 "Entry Level Requirements & Basic Introductory Course For ROV Personnel"

    For more information visit


    Wade Berglund

    ROV training was already being offered in Canada at Marine Institute, part of the Memorial University in St.John’s NFLD


    Thanks for the info mate

    Thought this may help as well.



    Yes, you are right, the Memorial campus do offer an ROV training course which is 9 months long, the course in BC is 4 weeks long, thanks for your info too.


    ROV training available in Vancouver, Canada

    Training course has been designed to the IMCA training ROV recommendations R002 "Entry Level Requirements & Basic Introductory Course For ROV Personnel"

    For more information visit


    If they can’t even get their website right what hope for the course. Clicking on the link to the info on the ROV course takes you to.

    Wait for it……….


    James McLauchlan

    If they can’t even get there website right what hope for the course. Clicking on the link to the info on the ROV course takes you to.

    Wait for it……….


    Good point. I mailed them to let them know there was an error.

    Being proactive is the only way forward in this world.


    Thanks James

    This was s mple mistake made by the website designer for Divesafe which will shortly be rectified.

    I notice a lot of people on here are quick to moan to anybody who can be bothered to listen, especially about ROV schools being no good etc, everything will be learned offshore, blah, blah, blah

    Well, for the information of the nay sayers, the offshore oil industry is not the only industry to use ROV’s, we have people on our course which include Police underwater search units, civil engineers and even fish farm operators who wish to train to operate small electric vehicles as it aids their daily operations, we are also training media people who are involved in underwater film and documentary work so I guess its their call if they wish to do an ROV training course or not?

    So, it would be nice to see all of the "offshore ROV experts" on here to respect peoples wish to train for an industry not involved in oil and gas?

    We have written the course to IMCA recommendations as have all other worldwide schools as this gives people more scope should they wish to pursue a career in the oil industry.


    Thanks James

    This was s mple mistake made by the website designer for Divesafe which will shortly be rectified.

    I notice a lot of people on here are quick to moan to anybody who can be bothered to listen, especially about ROV schools being no good etc, everything will be learned offshore, blah, blah, blah

    Well, for the information of the nay sayers, the offshore oil industry is not the only industry to use ROV’s, we have people on our course which include Police underwater search units, civil engineers and even fish farm operators who wish to train to operate small electric vehicles as it aids their daily operations, we are also training media people who are involved in underwater film and documentary work so I guess its their call if they wish to do an ROV training course or not?

    So, it would be nice to see all of the "offshore ROV experts" on here to respect peoples wish to train for an industry not involved in oil and gas?

    We have written the course to IMCA recommendations as have all other worldwide schools as this gives people more scope should they wish to pursue a career in the oil industry.


    That’s all these "courses" are good for – part timers

    If you think these courses – anywhere – enable you to come offshore and be able to slot straight into a 24/7 full on operational twin vehicle construction operation for example, then you are in for a very rude awakening.

    They are an introduction, that’s all

    That’s all they should be seen as

    Too many trainees, not enough pointy sticks



    Did you not read anything I have just written??????

    Why do you bring this back to the offshore industry?

    The ROV industry is MUCH more diverse than the offshore oil industry!!!

    If somebody wants to do a training course its up to them, I live in a country with a freedom to do whatever you want, including deciding attending an ROV training course if you decide to do so.

    Let people make their own choice?


    Thanks James

    This was s mple mistake made by the website designer for Divesafe which will shortly be rectified.

    It may be a simple mistake but it maters. This sort of mistake should have been sorted before you go advertising your courses. It does not look at all professional no matter what sector you are aiming your ROV courses at.


    Also people its "a ROV" not "an ROV"

    Collins English Dictionary

    an ADJ (indefinite article) same as: a
    used before an initial vowel sound ⋄ an old man ⋄ an ear

    Tip: ‘An’ was formerly often used before words that begin with h and are unstressed on the first syllable: an hotel; an historic meeting: sometimes the initial h was not pronounced. This usage is now becoming obsolete.

    The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition.

    PRONUNCIATION: n; n when stressed
    INDEFINITE ARTICLE: The form of a used before words beginning with a vowel or with an unpronounced h: an elephant; an hour.

    Used the same way both sides of the pond!


    Whatever !!!!


    Did you not read anything I have just written??????

    Why do you bring this back to the offshore industry?

    The ROV industry is MUCH more diverse than the offshore oil industry!!!

    If somebody wants to do a training course its up to them, I live in a country with a freedom to do whatever you want, including deciding attending an ROV training course if you decide to do so.

    Let people make their own choice?

    I think you will find that the prices charged to "customers" wanting to attend these courses are directly related to the oil and gas industry – that is where the money is.

    Part timers doing this course (PC Plod) etc pay the rates that reflect the OFFSHORE ROV rates for personnel.

    These course providers do not do it for the sheer hell of it, it’s a business, and it is aimed at the highest earning end of it -OFFSHORE.

    Joe blogs off the street can of course do the course, that’s part of the problem with it.

    But hey, it’s only money, if you can afford to pay for a course that will take you donkeys to pay off unless you work OFFSHORE, fill your boots.

    Or get the taxpayer to pay for it…..we don’t mind…honest!





    I think you have the most correct point of view.

    But… the money are the fuel of entire world and all of us are feed with the money.



    Saints or less Saints 😛


    this is an interesting discussion.. thank you for sharing 🙂
    simulation assurance vie

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