Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Rov training prerequisite

Rov training prerequisite

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Rov training prerequisite

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    Is a red seal boliermaker or steel fabricator ticket an acceptable prerequisite for the rov introduction program ?



    I dont know what a ""boliermaker"" is…. 😯 If its the same as a boilermaker…. 😆

    However I can say read all the info regarding courses on the rookies corner and make up your own mind. To help out you dont need to be a fabricator and it wont really help you get a job, unlike being a electronic or mech tech…
    good hunting!!

    Ray Shields

    Umm, no!

    chris rawnsley

    Mate im currently trying to get a start and im an ex aircraft engineer with 8 years experience and a full technical apprenticeship, also a fully qualified gas service engineer and own my own company and im struggling. .an rov course wont help u if u havnt got the technical background as there are tons of ex forces with years of experience trying and sadly a 3 week course just isnt enough to compete. . Look at your current skillset that u have experience in and cross reference it to an offshore roll,then get your bosiet and mist courses done and start from their. .

    michael kilby

    Into ROV then probably not

    But if you have your wleding tickets then beleive it or not, those giant lumps of steel we call a rig do have the occasional need of a little tlc from somone who can talk to metal and make it do things

    ROV for me is a fantastic job, but there are plenty of other offshore jobs out there that all need different skill sets


    Rovwannabe is right, I’d advise you to save your money. I did the course as part of my package on leaving the military. I thought it was a complete con just designed to exploit the financial package that is available to military personnel. The market appears to be saturated with people who have done that course.
    I’d advise to use your technical skills to get a rig maintenance job. You don’t mention whether you are a qualified welder but that would seem to be the most suitable job.
    I now work offshore on the maintenance side and I’m earning a lot more than the ROV guys.

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