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seaeye tethers

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions seaeye tethers

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    here’s the url. phookin invaluable for translating the dial settings!! I can normally set pre-alarm under 500kOhm. It’s that x1, x10 microswitch that’ll help you out here if you’re tripping all the time!


    hope this helps !! I’m not sure if the 475 has changed subtly in recent years! 5Mohm does sound bloddy low though on a dry umbilical.


    quick one for you – anyone got a wiring diagram for a seaeye rov in electronic format ??

    Andy Shiers

    What do ya mean ?
    You want the wiring format off the cd , yes ?

    Andy Shiers

    It’s Pdf file , I’ll be thinking ,
    I’m not at work today but……………………………. 8)
    I shall try to locate it for you if that is what you want


    have you got the wiring manuals in pdf format ? what did you have to do to get that??

    To be honest, I meant the tether specifically, but I’ll definately take a pdf of the vehicle wiring too if you’ve got one !!


    I’m on a new Lynx system at the moment and have three tethers, all look like a sock filled with scooker balls and all with saab seaeye printed down them. i don’t have the number of them off hand but they are all 20.7mm with fibres.

    Scott Beveridge

    Anybody else had part of a bad batch of tethers from Seaeye? Brand new (never been on the system) w/ "Z" kinks in them. Loads of trip-outs, reterms and cursing!


    I have , Tiger tethers 🙁 Not good as spare also the same I.D number and also kinks in them . Problem is Seaeye said it was down to bad piloting , But…………………………. We never had more than one tether twist turn in it through out the whole contract so it’s a load of Bo#@cks 👿 – Just a get out clause for them in it 🙄

    Scott Beveridge

    I have , Tiger tethers 🙁 Not good as spare also the same I.D number and also kinks in them . Problem is Seaeye said it was down to bad piloting , But…………………………. We never had more than one tether twist turn in it through out the whole contract so it’s a load of Bo#@cks 👿 – Just a get out clause for them in it 🙄

    NEVER been on the system before was reiterated several times with them (Seaeye) and they (Seaeye) had the balls to say the same about piloting. With all the push – to – get – stuff – out – the – door – quick attitude, there’s a lot more than just tethers being faulty being pushed on unwary customers.


    Had exactly the same problems on a 5601/23 batch, twice the warranty replacement was the same. Got one from nexans instead, was much better.


    swampie – you got a part number for that nexans gear? Was it the actual product seaeye bought off them? Foptic or straight conductors?

    Paul Bond

    We had probs with ‘z kinks’ in our Seaeye tether in Brunei this year. We were told that if the tether is ordered ‘unterminated’, then it is sent direct to you from a third party that Seaeye have contracted to manufacture the tether – it is then at the mercy of that contractors supposed QC department. If the tether is ordered ‘terminated’ at either end, then it is sent from the manufacturer to Seaeye for terminating and checks, before being sent out to you.
    Don’t know the science behind the failures but over the years, any time i have played with a z kinked tether, i have experienced more frequent trips and reterms. 🙁

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