Home Forums General We’re alongside… So where do I go? Shekou (She Kou) China – Peoples Republic that is

Shekou (She Kou) China – Peoples Republic that is

Home Forums General We’re alongside… So where do I go? Shekou (She Kou) China – Peoples Republic that is

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    Not a bad run if you’re in the neighbourhood.

    Standard fare is MacCawley’s Irish Bar – same old, same old but not a bad blues/rock band and they advertise the only Guiness on tap (if that’s your cup of tea). Other bar for peace from too many bar girls is X-TA-SEA Sports Bar, American Style with ESPN pool tables, etc. Sunflower Bar (not far from MacCawley’s is OK, 1 pool table and girls don’t hassle you for drinks either.

    In between MacCawleys and X-TA-SEA is a street named appropriately enough… Bar Street (Chicken Street to Chinese) plenty bars of the hole in the wall variety where you can get whatever you want…nuff said!

    Cheers and make mine a Tsingtao with Glenmorangie chaser! 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    Wasn’t the X-TAS-SEA called something else 5 to 10 years ago? Correct me if I’m wrong is the X-TAS-SEA near the ship next to the mini-golf course / driving range? Haven’t been there in almost 10 years…

    Lloyd Todd

    The Terrace bar is the place to go, its above Starbucks near the
    Im currently in Shekou, you can give me a shout for a beer,

    Regards MD

    Scott Beveridge

    The Terrace bar is the place to go, its above Starbucks near the
    Im currently in Shekou, you can give me a shout for a beer,

    Regards MD

    There wasn’t a Starbucks when I was last there…

    I’m offshore W. Africa… so much for the beer shout!

    Lloyd Todd


    That was a general Beer Shout to any ROV crew coming through Shekou.

    Regards Mad-dog 😆


    Hey Mad-dog,
    what are you doing in Shekou? I’ve heard that work up there is looking more promising. Any ideas of who to talk to?


    Hey Mad Dog,

    Hope you haven’t drunk my bottles yet!

    Cheers mate!

    PS currently on San Mig, don’t let any ex-pongoes drink all my whisky


    Hey there,

    Indeed the Terrace bar is a good place to go !!

    Just a couple of minutes from the Nan-Hai hotel towards the ‘landbased’ cruiseship .

    Plenty of restaurants there too !!

    We’re offshore at the moment but going in in about 5 days .

    Cheers !!



    The Terrace bar is the place to go, its above Starbucks near the
    Im currently in Shekou, you can give me a shout for a beer,

    Regards MD

    I also live in Shekou (Coastal Rose Garden), maybe I know you and didn’t realise you work offshore. Currently away but when I get back will give you a shout for that beer!

    Unfortunately a lot of the bars are now being closed down due to local public pressure. The snakepit has already moved and the X-Ta-Sy is moving so I hear to the Seagull Area (near the land locked ship). Many new bars have opened up on "old street" in the town offering "services", which if you don’t want the beer is cheap and you are left alone.

    Lloyd Todd

    I also live in Coastal Rose Garden, small world.
    Send me a PM, i must know you



    There is a new bar called D’club above The Terrace. It’s a nicer choice if you’re into your dance music. The new Ex-ta-sea is nice as well. Slightly larger space with a race course style bar (Access from anywhere), still got 2 pool tables. It’s located in the ship on the left hand side of the entrance. Worth a visit


    I’m certain if he was available this bug would be fixed by now.
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