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Should agency hands be supplied free PPE at the worksite?

Home Forums General General Board Should agency hands be supplied free PPE at the worksite?

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  • #8866
    James McLauchlan

    Maybe there could be a generic overall type for rate tarts with maybe a logo like

    rate tarts??

    Hourly rate? Day rate? Monthly rate?

    I guess anyone offshore would need to wear coveralls with a logo like I’M ONLY HERE FOR THE MONEY on them, or they are there for all the wrong reasons.

    James McLauchlan

    I have never known a Client hand out Overalls – do you mean the Companies that the Agency worker is hired by? The Companies work for the Clients.

    mmm…….. If you think about it there are plenty of clients around, it’s just that we seem to view it as there only being one

    I work for an agency…
    My agency is contracted by their client.. be it Sonsub, Fugro or whomever.
    So in this case my agency’s client would be the most likely source of PPE in the working environment, be it Sonsub, Fugro or whomever.

    Of course the ROV operating company also has a client… that may well be Shell, BP, Talisman etc. But it is unlikely that [they] would supply PPE to anyone onboard other than other employees in company.


    Coveralls should be issued to day rate personel if the agency is not providing them, and they don’t, so that kills that argumant.

    Off topic here, but since some idiot said it in this topic, I find most agency guys to be professionals, and they don’t go out on a job with an attitude that they are just there to suck the day rate. I personally give 110% on every contract I go on.


    Ok then so you have to bring your own PPE onto a job. If it gets damaged are you supposed to have spare or is the company expected to offer a replacement as legislation states companies are required to offer PPE.

    Also I have been recently on the S7000 with the wrong coloured overalls. If agency staff are required to bring there own PPE then should the industry set out very specific rules regarding it to save futher hassle.

    Ray Shields


    in the case of the S7000, if they have a specific requirement for colour of overalls, or require Sonsub names on all overalls etc. then certainly they should be expected to supply coveralls.

    If you want to talk about the law, the Employer has to supply PPE. I believe there are different ways of working for an Agency, you can let them deal with all your tax and issue you a P60, therefore you are an employee of the Agency; or you can invoice them and they pay up, therefore you’re self-employed.

    So that means either the Agency supplies them, or you supply them yourself. When you go and work for Sonsub, Fugro etc. you are not there as an Employee.

    If Agencies are not supplying coveralls or PPE to their employees, that is for the individual to take up with the Agency, shop thm to the HSE for breaking the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2002.

    I still feel that Agency personnel should arrive at a worksite with the basic PPE of coveralls and boots. If Companies require specific badged or coloured overalls, then they rightly have to supply them.


    My first comment on this particular topic: I just read the results of the poll, and I have no further comment.

    Mike Kidd

    This has made me think that if you are working for an angency (or agencies) then technically you are self employed, so the onus on suppling PPE lies with you as you are your own company?
    Also what about indemnity insurance, in this world of litigation and compensation, are you responsible for any accidents that you could cause and end up being sued by say another party who was hurt by your negligence!
    Are you covered by the agency or the service company that you are contracted to?
    Maybe aswell as PPE maybe we should take insurance with us aswell 😕

    Maybe some people could have the logo
    Sorry dont do that


    incredible such a subject can attract so much attention and feedback. 😯

    i know how i feel about this given earlier comments, how much of the people in this thread are agency????? 😉

    regards the insurance mentioned by flycatcher. i’m a company man i still have added insurnance.

    not wishing to put up a barrier but out of interest, lets have a poll to see how many people on this site are agencyor company. j:roll:


    see people turn up every now and then expecting someone to hand them a pair of overalls
    tend to look at them like they’re idiots and go find em a pair of second hand ones to wear
    never seen an ROV guy turn up at a job yet without boots or with a hard hat
    never been on a job that didnt supply gloves and safety glasses
    I buy the odd pair of overalls or boots but mostly the boss supplies never had any complaints about asking for them
    never put much thought into it, there just overalls and boots

    James McLauchlan

    not wishing to put up a barrier but out of interest, lets have a poll to see how many people on this site are agency or company. j:roll:

    There has been one running for the last couple of years. Just click on the ‘Polls ??’ link to the left, in the main website navigation menu.

    The one asking are you day rate or contract pretty much covers it I think.

    Needless to say.. When I started this topic I knew the poll existed and I knew what the slant was, as would anybody that had viewed previous polls.

    Even so I thought I’d stoke things up a bit and see how emotive the subject became. Nice result 🙂

    Andy Shiers

    Mercenaries rule 😀

    Benny Edelman

    I always carry my own boots (bluntstone elastic sided, they do not take much space and are light) I prefer boots that fit and are comfortable. I try to borrow coveralls but if necessary I bring them with me unfortunately they are always badged with another company logo. If I get coveralls on board I leave them on board, I do not mind using 2nd hand coveralls as long as they fit and are clean. I do not carry a hard hat, it takes too much space and you cannot tie it outside the bag on chopper rides. Gloves usually only last few days if you do maintanance or handle wires and should be supplied, they are cheap enough and classified as consumables. Hard hats are reusable by someone else and so are safety glasses. I borrow them and leave them onboard.


    Always make a point of taking your biggest competitors overalls with you and they sometimes dont like it and give you a pair of theirs thats how you build up your free stock pile!


    What on earth would you what to stockpile offshore covvies for? Start a museum or trade down the market? When I travel to a job I travel as light as possible and return lighter.

    All PPE should be provided on site and now with the new travel regulations toiletries as well

    Regards, Ally


    Because I’ve got onshore sub contractor mates not related to offshore at all who have to buy their own gear. Spread the Tesco, every little bit helps!

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